This is a simple python web Crawler. Here I used ssl(not needed allways) for https connections. The program search all tr(table row) , td(table data) , span tags from the selected html link.You can make some change and make your custom user defiend url.
The program will applicable only if there have table in that url.
Its a basic web crawling program which calculates & show the number of chain links(links inside links) are avilable in a particular website.
Its a program where you are asked to give any url , the entire url will be scanned & the links will be in the order how its arranged.Then you have to select the position from where you wanna itterate , and how long will it be itterate.It also count how many links are there.
The program is for gathering or dumping all the links are attached with any website. It show all the links are in the website entered.
This is a program all about linking any data (in json format) with url. The program is used to featch the data fro mthe url & json file together.