This is a simple Library Management System implemented in C. It allows users to manage a collection of books by adding, removing, listing, and searching for books in the library.
- Add a Book: Add a new book to the library with a unique ID, title, author, and publication year.
- Remove a Book: Remove an existing book from the library using its unique ID.
- List All Books: Display all books currently available in the library.
- Search for a Book: Search for a book by its title.
- Data Structure: The library uses a linked list to store books. Each book is represented by a
struct containing its ID, title, author, publication year, and a pointer to the next book in the list.
addBook(int id, char* title, char* author, int year)
: Adds a new book to the library.removeBook(int id)
: Removes a book from the library by its ID.listBooks()
: Lists all books currently in the library.searchBook(char* title)
: Searches for a book by its title and returns a pointer to the book if found.
- A C compiler such as
To compile the program, use the following command:
gcc -o library_management_system main.c
After compiling, you can run the program using: