Gloew Like Never Before~
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Table of Contents
Aestica Aesthestic Clinic is a fictional Medical Aesthetics Clinic that serves to provide clients with the care that their entire well-being requires. Give yourself the best self-care today, without needing to worry whether aesthetics treatment will harm you. We offer a range of services, from skin care, body care, face care and eye care. We use only organic ingredients and we have qualified doctors to care for your needs.
This website serves to meet our following business needs:
- Increase new customer count by 20%
- Improve enquiries by 20%
- Increase Social Media share count by 20%
|-- home
|--html Store HTML related files
|--css Store CSS related files
|--assets Stores the favicon, logo, and website images
|--index.html Home Page of Aestica Medical Aesthetics Clinic
This project is built by using these frameworks/libraries:
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Run the application
In Production
For any questions or bugs encountered in the codes, please send an email to or send a pm to me.
This project was created by Shen An & Andy @iChimmy and Celest @ninjahw for CS2024 Final Assignment in Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Credits to BBootStrap as well for the open-source animations.
This Course aims to provide its Students With and knowledge Of the wide web and gives a broad overview of technologies used in Web design Students will be taught how to design. implernent and maintain Web-based Sites using authoring and scripting languages, content management and digital media Students will learn how to the latest strategies to develop third generatbn Websites. evaluate design tools, discuss future technobgy standards and expbre the incompatibility issues surrounding current.