The flock
is a glorified resume describing my own work history and skills over my career timeline.
Large business cards
are used to describe various jobs, each with its role,
employer, and time period. These cards are larger, slowing moving, and further away from your view. Each business card
is surrounded by its flock of
smaller skill cards
that hovers around them.
Mouse motion over the left side of the window causes your point of view to move around, usingmotion parallax
and a fuzzy depth of field
to give the flock its sense of depth.
Moving the mouse vertically also causes your view to slide over the career imeline
shown on the far left edge.
Click on a business card
or skill card
to make it pop it into focus at the top of the flock, and to see its details in the right-hand details area.
Each job can have a long description, which is defined in an offline-editable Excel spreadsheet. Each description contains related skills, terms, and tools used for that job.
Each skill is marked up in with [square brackets] in the spreadsheet description, and is displayed as a clickable link that pops up its skill card
Web links are marked up with (parens) in the spreadsheet and are displayed with clickable world wide web icons .
Image links are marked up with {curly braces} in the spreadheet and are displayed as clickable image icons <img src="static_content/icons/icons8-img-16-white.png'>.
A skill card
is created for each [square] bracketed phrase in the job description. A skill is typically used over many jobs, so each skill card
one or more return icons that serve as clickable links back to jobs that used that skill. The number
of return icons indicates the number of jobs and the amount of time used to hone that skill.
cd <your-local-dev-folder>
git clone
cd <your-local-dev-folder>/fock-of-postcards
The flock-of-postcards
webapp uses ES6 Modules. This requires that you have an ultra lightweight webserver running on your local machine that supports ES6.
LiveServer is an ultra light weight webserver that works with Google Chrome browser. Installation of Vscode IDE and the LiveServer extension is easy-peasy.
Install the vscode IDE on your local OS.
Start vscode and open the newly cloned
folder in vscode -
Click the "extensions" icon in the left panel of vscode to search for vscode extensions
Search for and install vscode's LiveServer extension
Click the "explorer" icon at the top left of vscode to explore your local filesystem
- Click the "Go Live" button at the bottom right in vscode to start the vscode-embedded webserver
Note that the "Go Live" button now shows either "Port : 5500" or "Port : 5501"
Click the button below that matches the "Go Live" button's new Port value:
You should now be up and running with the website's default configuration which shows off MY OWN stellar technology career.
But wouldn't it be better to configure the app to show off your own illustrious career?
Go to the project's local home folder
cd <your-local-dev-folder>/fock-of-postcards
Go to jobs folder
cd static_content/jobs
Edit the
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file
The jobs spreadsheet has one row for each job description. Each job description has the following columns that you need to fill out:
- role
- employer
- start (YYYY-MM-DD)
- end (YYYY-MM-DD)
- z-index (from 1 to 3)
- css name (darkgreen)
- css RGB (#006900)
- css color (Excel color background)
- text color (#FFFFFF) or (#000000)
- description
The description
cell holds an arbitrary length bulleted job description. As described above, skills, terms, and tools can be wrapped with [square brackets] to create a flock of skill cards
for each business card
Save your updated Excel file
Go back to your shell and run the python script that converts the Excel jobs spreadsheet file
into a NodeJS module filejobs.mjs
If the app is already running, it will re-load the jobs.mjs
- Provide the option to print the resume to a PDF file
- Need to ease focal point to bullseye when any cardDiv is selected (or clicked?)
- Need to add stamp icons to post cards
- Click on post card to see it's full-size iomage in right-side detail panel
- Render bizcards as 3D blocks with rounded corners
- Rotate 3D bizcard blocks during transitions
- Toggle debug panel visiblilty with button or key
- Updated installation and customization instructions in
- Deployed latest to github
- CURRENT_DATE in job [end] replaced with first day of next month but displayed as 'working'
- Always scroll newly selected bizcardDiv (and optionally its bizcardLineItem) into view in selectTheBizcard
- not started in highlightTheDivCardBackArrow unhighlightTheHighlightedDivCardBackArrow update theHighlightedDivCardBackArrow find the CardDivLineItemTagSpan of theHighlightedDivCardBackArrow call highlightTheCardDivLineItemTagSpan in highlightTheCardDivLineItemTagSpan unhighlightTheHighlightedCardDivLineItemTagSpan update theHighlightedCardDivLineItemTagSpan find the cardDivCardBackArrow of theHighlightedCardDivLineItemTagSpan call highlightTheCardDivCardBackArrow
- Default timeline year avg of min-max years
- Auto-computing timeline min-max years
- Interpolating CURRENT_DATE in xlsx file
- GoLive link with port 5500 or 5501
- applying parallax on the target for restoreSavedStyle
- replaced addAimationEndListener with endAnimation on a timeout
- Bizcards are now animating to the top, but not staying there
- Bizdards return to original position after losing focus
- fixed selectNextBizcard
- added links to three.mjs examples
- added links to Virtual Munsell Color Wheel
- added select all skills button
- added selectNext, selectAll, and clearAll buttons
- Upgraded static website to use ES6 modules, thus requiring a local webserver that supports ES6.
- The focal point now eases towards the mouse when it enters the canvas area.
- The focal point now eases toward the bullsEye when it leaves the canvas areas.
8 MB animated gif
- A flock of small skill postcards and larger business cards float over the left-side canvas column.
- A timeline is displayed at ground level, to visualize the date range of employment for each business card.
- A 3-D parallax effect on cards is controlled by the "focalPoint", which tracks the mouse while over the canvas.
- Add line items to the right-side resume column by selecting business cards.
- Select a postcard or resume line item by clicking it, click again to deselect it.
- Selected postcards and line-items have a red-dashed border.
- Once selected, a postcard or business card is temporarily moved above the flock where is not subject to motion parallax.
- Click on a postcard to select and scroll its resume line item into view.
- Click on a resume line item to select and scroll its postcard into view.
- The canvas viewport shows "bullseye" with a plus sign at canvas center, where parallax effect is zero.
- FocalPoint defaults back to the viewport center bullseye when it leaves the canvas.
- The focalPoint starts tracking the mouse as soon as it re-enters the canvas area.
- Canvas auto-scrolling starts when the focalPoint is in top or bottom quqrter of the canvas.
- Autoscrolling stops when the focalPoint moves to viewport center and when the mouse leaves the canvas.
- Click on a resume line item's top-right delete button to delete it.
- Click on the bottom-right green next button to open and select the resume line item for the next business card.
- Skill postcards inherit the color of its parent business card.
- Click the underlined text in a business cards resume line item to select and bring that skill postcard into view over the flock.
- scripted process to convert WordPress media dump xml file into a javascript file of img paths of resized local img files (not included in github) for html inclusion.
- scripted process to convert excel jobs.xlsx spreadsheet file (included in github) into a javascript file of job objects for html inclusion.
- right side now has fixed header and footer and an auto-scolling content.
- click on a any postcard or underlying buisness card to add a new deleteble line item to the right column.
- downloads bizcards from local jobs.csv file
- BUT only works when running local instance of http-server from the version3 folder
- click on a red-div to open a new pink line-item in the right-column
- faded timeline on right side
- linear gradiens at top and bottom
- bizcards are purple and far away from viewer
- cards are red and closer to viewer
- cards turn yellow on rollover
- horizontal and vertical mouse motion induce motion parallax
- parallax decreases as distance to viewer increases
- manual vertical scrolling is supported though scrollbar is invisible
- canvas scrolls vertically when mouse approaches top and bottom
- right column for diagnostics
- randomized div sizes, locations, and z-index
- z-index affects opacity and brightness
- autogenerated imgs from web
- vertical stack of divs moved to canvas-container center on load and resize
- vertical scrollbar
- fat middle line for diagnositcs
- right column for diagnostics