This module has been adopted by the strongSwan project. Please direct any pull requests or issues there.
A simple python library that allow control of strongSwan over the vici interface which was introduced in version 5.2.0. It is aimed to be straight forward and easy to use.
>>> import vici
>>> s = vici.Session()
>>> s.version()
{'release': '3.18.6-1-ARCH', 'sysname': 'Linux', 'daemon': 'charon',
'version': '5.2.2', 'machine': 'x86_64'}
>>> s.load_pool({"p1": {"addrs": ""}})
CommandResult(success=True, errmsg=None, log=None)
>>> s.get_pools()
{'p1': {'offline': '0', 'base': '', 'online': '0', 'size': '254'}}
Simply install by using pip;
$ pip install vici