The imagehub-librarian is a Docker based application using Node-Red, MQTT, MariaDB and OpenCV containers along with the imagehub package from Jeff Bass to receive, save and manage images received from Raspberry Pi's (RPi's). Containers of Grafana and Flask are integrated into this application to monitor statistics, and manage the hardware and images.
Here are a couple of images of the imagehub-librarian dashboards for viewing and managing the cameras and images captured by imagehub:
Additionally, this application is capable of detecting the objects of captured images. If a 'car' is detected, this application is capable of performing Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) on the captured image. All of the object detection and ALPR data is stored in a relational database, and can be monitored in Grafana and the Flask sections of imagehub-librarian.
The imagehub application is the backbone of this application. It is the "receive and store" part of a distributed computer vision pipeline that is run on multiple computers. Multiple Raspberry Pi (and other) computers run imagenode to capture images, detect motion, light, temperature values, etc. Imagenode then sends event messages and selected images to imagehub, which files the events and images for later analysis. Typically, imagehub can manage up to 8 to 12 sending computers.
By design, imagehub is a very simple program. It does 2 things:
- It receives images and sensor events (e.g. temperature, humidity, light) and stores them.
- It receives imagenode status messages and logs them.
It does this from multiple sources simultaneously. The sources are typically a bunch of Raspberry Pi computers with PiCameras and temperature sensors. Keeping imagehub simple allows it to be fast enough to reliably store data from multiple sources. Analysis of images and responses to queries are handled by other programs. See Using imagenode in distributed computer vision projects for a more detailed explanation of the overall project design.
The imagehub-librarian provides a means of viewing and monitoring the log files and images saved by imagehub. Plus, it adds a means of object detection and ALPR for selected cameras.
- Records the images and sensor events saved by imagehub in a database.
- Inspects the images for objects and records the results.
- Triggered events based on detected objects. For example, if a 'car' or 'truck' is detected, the image might be analyzed for a License Plate via ALPR.
imagehub-librarian has been tested with:
- ubuntu 20.04 LTS running on a BMAX Mini PC with Intel Celeron J4125, 8GB DDR4 and 500GB NVMe Internal SSD
- imagehub Version 0.2.0 - 2021-01-17
- IOTstack - 2021-06-04
The IOTstack package provides the docker framework for the imagehub-librarian. The librarian builds two additional docker images, and provides the configuration files and instructions for the IOTstack installed docker images. To install IOTstack:
sudo apt install -y curl git net-tools openssh-server htop apt-utils curl -fsSL | bash
This will check the system enviroment and install the necessary tools to complete the may require a reboot.
Log in again and change directory to IOTstack and execute the
again and select "Build Stack":
cd ~/IOTstack ./ Select "Build Stack"
Select the following images to build the stack:
adminer mariadb mosquitto nodered portainer-ce
After the stack has been built, and the menu has been exited DO NOT START Docker. There are a few task to complete before Docker is started. To insure your Docker has not started:
cd ~/IOTstack docker-compose down
Install imagehub in the IOTstack folder. Note: Do not follow the imagehub installation instructions. Imagehub will run from a docker container. Therefore, the imagehub.service doesn't need to be configured and installed to run:
cd ~/IOTstack git clone
Change the imagehub data_directory in the imagehub.yaml
file to your Docker data location:
nano imagehub/imagehub.yaml
Edit the data_directory
field of imagehub.yaml
to match your installation as seen below. Change YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY
to your username or folder name:
data_directory: /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/imagehub_data
At the time of this installation, Node-Red didn't allow for volumes outside of /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data
path. Hence,
the unusual imagehub_data
location seen above.
Install the imagehub-librarian package. The following will install the package and move these files into the IOTstack folder:
cd ~ git clone cd imagehub-librarian chmod +x ./ cd ~/IOTstack
Several task are required prior to starting Docker. Edit the and change
to the appropriate folder name:
cd ~/IOTstack nano
chmod +x
Edit the config.json
file, and replace YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY
to the appropriate folder name. Configure
the email entries to match your email information ('MAIL_SERVER', 'MAIL_PORT', 'MAIL_USE_TLS', 'MAIL_USERNAME', 'MAIL_PASSWORD').
is available from Plate Recognizer, enter it in the field.
The ALPR_regions
should set to your areas Region Code. Refer to these codes in the Countries - ALPR API Documentation.
Refer to ALPR Operations for additional information:
cd ~/IOTstack nano config.json
Build the OpenCV and Flask images for Docker. Be sure to include the 'period' in the following commands. This will take a while to build these images:
cd ~/IOTstack/docker docker build -f flask_Dockerfile -t flask:latest . docker build -f opencv_Dockerfile -t opencv:latest .
Rename the docker-compose.yml
file built by IOTstack and replace it with the file furnished by
cd ~/IOTstack mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose_original.yml mv docker-compose_imagehub.yml docker-compose.yml
folder locations for Flask and opencv in the NEW docker-compose.yml
nano docker-compose.yml
Tip: Pressing Ctrl + \
in nano will allow for multiple finds and replaces.
Before Docker is started, a link to the image folder must be created for Flask. Change YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY
to the
appropriate folder name:
cd /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/flaskblog/static ln -s /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/imagehub_data imagehub_data
Docker can be started from the IOTstack
cd ~/IOTstack docker-compose up -d
All of the containers currently running can be seen via:
docker ps -a
Next, configure each of the docker containers with files furnished by imagehub-librarian.
Log into MariaDB via Adminer. Connect to Adminer http://localhost:9080
server: mariadb user: root password: IOtSt4ckToorMariaDb
Import the SQL database file ~/IOTstack/misc/imagehub_mariadb_database.sql
Import » "Choose Files" imagehub_mariadb_database.sql and "Execute"
Privileges for user 'mariadbuser' must be created. Change to the imagehub
database and set the Privileges
for the user mariadbuser
MySQL » mariadb » imagehub » Privileges » Create user User: mariadbuser Password: IOtSt4ckmariaDbPw check 'All privileges' `imagehub`.*
Log into Node-Red http://localhost:1880. Go to the Menu->Manage palette->Install Tab->search modules
, and install
modules node-red-contrib-stackhero-mysql
and node-red-node-email
Go to the Menu->Import->'select a file'
to import the imagehub-librarian flow.
select file: ~/IOTstack/misc/Image_Librarian_Dashboard_flows.json
The Image_Librarian_Dashboard_flows.json
file import the imagehub-librarian, ID Objects SUB and
ALPR SUB flows. The imagehub-librarian flow is the primary flow that triggers events in the ID Objects SUB and
ALPR SUB via MQTT messages passed between the other flows and the
The Configuration Directories node of the imagehub-librarian flow requires modification. Double click the module, and
edit each of the fields containing directories with YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY
Connect the data modules imagehub DB nodes to MariaDB imagehub Database:
Host: mariadb Port: 3306 User: mariadbuser Password: IOtSt4ckmariaDbPw Database: imagehub Name: imagehub
If you wish to receive Text messages from Node-Red for specific events, you will need to setup a
Google Voice account
and then edit the email Google Voice node as shown below. This node could just as easily be
configured to only send emails to a standard email account. Edit email node
fields to match your email
Log into Grafana http://localhost:3000
username: admin password: admin change password if you wish or Skip
First, configure the database used by Grafana by going to menu Configuration -> Data Source
Data Service MySQL name: MySQL Host: mariadb Database: imagehub User: mariadbuser Password: IOtSt4ckmariaDbPw save & test
Next, install a JSON configuration file, Image_Librarian_Events_grafana.json
located in the ~/IOTstack/misc
folder, with charts and tables for the imagehub database.
Go to menu Dashboards -> Manage
Import -> Image_Librarian_Events_grafana.json Name: ALPR Events Folder: General MySQL: MySQL
as a new user in the flaskblog
website http://localhost:5000.
Add any existing cameras to the the database. Refer to Flask Operations for more details.
All docker-compose
commands must be executed within the folder containing the docker-compose.yml
Starting Docker in detached mode:
cd ~/IOTstack docker-compose up -d
Stopping Docker:
cd ~/IOTstack docker-compose down
The Docker containers currently running can be monitored via the following command:
docker ps -a
The Docker images created by IOTstack and imagehub-librarian can be seen via:
docker images
Additional documentation for Docker can be found at Docker Reference documentation.
Managing and controlling Docker is easily done with Portainer-ce http://localhost:9000/. The containers, images and network can conveniently be managed with this application.
The imagehub portion should be tested per the instructions at imagehub - Running the Test.
A typical imagehub installation and operation requires building a python enviroment and configuring and running
a service to run the application. The opencv docker image contains the python enviroment, and runs the
within a container. These two routines are required to operate imagehub-librarian properly.
Monitor the system resources and these routines via htop
Monitoring the log files generated by imagehub will indicate most problems with this application:
cat /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/imagehub_data/logs/imagehub.log
Flask is the web interface to the imagehub-librarian. It provides a means of viewing images and monitoring the sensor events of the network. Refer to Flask Operations for more details.
This application can generate a large number of images that need to be purged on a routine basis. The system needs
to run a nightly python module
to remove the folders and images after a specified number of days.
The number of days to keep is set in the msg.daystokeep
value of the Routine Purge of Images and Db Entries
node in the imagehub-librarian Flow.
A crotab
entry needs to added to run the
each evening. First, create a directory for the
log files:
cd ~/IOTstack mkdir logs
Start the crontab
sudo crontab -e
Enter the following after the last line. Replace YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY
with the appropriate location:
0 01 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/ >/home/YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/IOTstack/logs/cronlog 2>&1
Save and Exit the editor. The above entry will run every morning at 1:00am.
- How ALPR works.
- The Flask Image Librarian.
- Grafana setup and operations.
- Node-Red setup and operations.
- AND operations.
- imagenode installation cheatsheet.
- Version History and Changelog.
- The imagehub receives and stores images and event messages from multiple sources simultaneously.
- The imagenode program that captures and sends images.
- IOTstack is a well maintained package for building a customized Docker IOT installation - IOTstack.
- CoreyMSchafer/Flask_Blog provided the basic structure for the imagehub-librarian Flask application - CoreyMSchafer/code_snippets.
- PyImageSearch a great resource of code and knowledge for OpenCV - PyImageSearch.
- Jeff Bass the creator of imagenode, imagehub and imagezmq - Ying Yang Ranch.