A Student Trip to Galaxy in Virtual Reality by Sibti Malik
A Solar System for Educational Purpose of Students
- A VR View of Solar System
- On interactin name of planet appears on it top
- Contains 9 Planets, Earth with it's moon, And a Sun
- A button also appears on top of planet
- on interaction with that button it shows you the the information/detail of that planet
Contain 3 Scripts
* Planet ( Model Class for the Planet and Create list of planet (properties and methods for planet) )
* planetRotator ( for setting position and rotation of planet )
* gameController ( for gameController events and many GUI functions)
* Sun
* Planets
* Box (Button on Top of Planet)
* Game Controller
* To handle the pointerEnter and pointerExit
* For Information in 2d text
Planet Model Class
* String pName, pDetails pLengthOfDay pTemperatue pNoOfMoons pMass pTimeForAxis pTimeForSun
* float pRadius pAxisRotaion pOrbitRotation pDistanceFromCenter
* Methods -createList, getPlanetbyIndex, getPlanetbyName
My Measurements
* pRadius => Radius(real/1000) & Diameter is 2xR
* pAxisRotaion => Axis Rotaion using mi/s => 10.892 km/h (0.018 mi/s) //Equator Moves at that speed
* pOrbitRotation => Orbital Rotation r=(km/s) r/10
* pDistanceFromCenter => Distance from center (miles/10,000,000)
* pLengthOfDay => length of day in hrs
* pTemperatue => mean temp in c
* pNoOfMoons => no of known moons
* pMass => mass * 10^24kg
* pTimeForAxis => time to spin own axis (days)
* pTimeForSun => time to orbit (days or hrs)
This Trip to galaxy is almost complete but i am thinking for taking it to next level and release it's android version on playstore (using my account). If it's beta mode developers expected results
1 - https://www.theplanetstoday.com/planets_information_basic_facts.html
2 - https://www.bobthealien.co.uk/solarsystem/table.htm
3 - http://planetfacts.org/orbital-speed-of-planets-in-order/
4 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_Name
5 - Asset Store : Asset of Nebula Volume 2 Sky-Box