Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. This is an ansible role for installing Prometheus on RedHat distributions.It uses the infrastructure testing tool KitchenCi to verify if the infrastructure is well setup and configured as expected or not.
Python 2.7 or higher
Vagrant 1.9 or higher
Virtualbox 5.1 or higher
this role is tested on
- Centos 7
More infos in the role's metadata file.
- Default tag to perform prometheus installation
In order to set up a prometheus server across your plateform, start by checking out the role from Ansible galaxy:
ansible-galaxy install sbouii.prometheus
Finally call the role within you Ansible playbook:
- hosts: localhost
sudo: yes
- sbouii.prometheus
you need to upgrade those libraries in order to make the module unarchive work with ansible 2.2** or higher
ansible localhost -m pip -a "name=requests>=2.12"
ansible localhost -m pip -a "name=urllib3>=1.19"
ansible localhost -m pip -a "name=ndg-httpsclient>=0.4.2"
Check out this one ansible/ansible#18894 for more details
For quick tests, you can spin up a Centos VM using Vagrant. You maybe need to adapt the Vagrantfile to suit your environment (IP addresses, etc).
$ vagrant up
For runing Acceptance/Integration tests against your role , we use the tool test-kitchen
.All written acceptance tests are in the ./test/integration/ directory.
The .kitchen.yml
file describes the testing configuration and the list of suite tests to run. By default, the instances will be converged with Ansible and ran in Vagrant virtual machines.
To list the instances:
$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action
centos-7-0-x64 Vagrant AnsiblePlaybook Busser Ssh <Not Created>
To run the default test suite, for instance, on a Centos platform, run the following command:
$ kitchen test centos-7-0-x64
This role was created by Mariem Sbouii .