Accelerated beam tracing algorithm adapted from the original source code by Samuli Laine.
Main requirements:
- autoconf, automake, make, swig
- OpenGL, GLUT
Install the basic dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool swig make
Install the OpenGL and GLUT dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libgl-dev mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev \
freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
Download the source code from the git repository:
mkdir -p $HOME/work
cd $HOME/work
git clone
cd evert
Prepare the source code (debug enabled):
aclocal && autoconf && libtoolize && automake --add-missing
Configure for development
./configure CFLAGS='-g -O0' CXXFLAGS='-g -O0'
OR configure for optimization
./configure CFLAGS='-O2' CXXFLAGS='-O2'
And finally build the library
sudo make install
By default, the shared library will be installed under /usr/local/lib . You may have to add this directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
This can also be added at the end of the configuration file $HOME/.bashrc
To compile and install the Python bindings system-wide:
# assuming you are still in the evert directory
cd python
sudo pip2 install .
OR install it in development mode
sudo pip2 install -e .
To visualize acoustic beam tracing of a room (sigyn) for included room data:
evert $HOME/work/evert/data/
To simulate acoustic beam tracing for a procedurally-created cube:
cd $HOME/work/evert/python/samples
To simulate acoustic beam tracing of a room (kuunteluhuone) for included room data:
cd $HOME/work/evert/python/samples
Please cite EVERT in publications when used:
S. Laine, S. Siltanen, T. Lokki, and L. Savioja, “Accelerated beam tracing algorithm,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 172–181, Jan. 2009 [Online]. Available:
BibTeX entry for LaTeX:
title = "Accelerated beam tracing algorithm",
journal = "Applied Acoustics",
volume = "70",
number = "1",
pages = "172 - 181",
year = "2009",
issn = "0003-682X",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Samuli Laine and Samuel Siltanen and Tapio Lokki and Lauri Savioja",
keywords = "Beam tracing",
abstract = "Abstract Determining early specular reflection paths is essential for room acoustics modeling. Beam tracing algorithms have been used to calculate these paths efficiently, thus allowing modeling of acoustics in real-time with a moving listener in simple, or complex but densely occluded, environments with a stationary sound source. In this paper, it is shown that beam tracing algorithms can still be optimized by utilizing the spatial coherence in path validation with a moving listener. Since the precalculations required for the presented technique are relatively fast, the acoustic reflection paths can be calculated even for a moving source in simple cases. Simulations were performed to show how the accelerated algorithm compares with the basic algorithm with varying scene complexity and occlusion. Up to two-orders of magnitude speed-up was achieved."