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GitOps: do not mask exceptions, propagate instead
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
If we try to format files based on git output, and git fails, scalafmt
will silently do nothing because a git failure is returned as an empty
list of files, as if no files are present or have been modified.
  • Loading branch information
kitbellew committed Dec 8, 2021
1 parent c1dffd0 commit 0014316
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 2 changed files with 42 additions and 46 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.scalafmt.sysops

import scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.{InvalidPathException, Path}

object GitOps {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,83 +39,79 @@ trait GitOps {

private class GitOpsImpl(val workingDirectory: AbsoluteFile) extends GitOps {

private[scalafmt] def exec(cmd: Seq[String]): Try[Seq[String]] = {
private[scalafmt] def exec(cmd: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {

private def execImpl(cmd: Seq[String]): String = {
val errors = Seq.newBuilder[String]
Try {
val swallowStderr = ProcessLogger(_ => (), errors += _)
sys.process.Process(cmd, workingDirectory.jfile).!!(swallowStderr)
e => {
} match {
case Failure(e) =>
val err = errors.result().mkString("\n> ", "\n> ", "\n")
val msg = s"Failed to run command ${cmd.mkString(" ")}. Error:$err"
Failure(new IllegalStateException(msg, e))
x => Success(x.trim.linesIterator.toSeq)
throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e)
case Success(x) => x.trim

override def lsTree(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "ls-files", "--full-name") ++
rootDir.fold(Seq.empty[AbsoluteFile]) { rtDir =>

override def rootDir: Option[AbsoluteFile] = {
override def rootDir: Option[AbsoluteFile] = tryRoot.toOption

private lazy val tryRoot: Try[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
for {
Seq(rootPath) <- exec(cmd).toOption
file <- AbsoluteFile.fromPathIfAbsolute(rootPath)
if file.isDirectory
} yield file
Try(execImpl(cmd)).flatMap { x =>
val file = AbsoluteFile(FileOps.getFile(x))
if (file.isDirectory) Success(file)
else Failure(new InvalidPathException(x, "not a directory"))

override def diff(branch: String, dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", branch) ++
(if (dir.isEmpty) Seq.empty else "--" +:
for {
root <- rootDir.toSeq
path <- exec(cmd).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
} yield root.join(path)

override def status(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "status", "--porcelain") ++
(if (dir.isEmpty) Seq.empty else "--" +:
for {
root <- rootDir.toSeq
statusLine <- exec(cmd).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
file <- getFileFromGitStatusLine(statusLine).toOption.toSeq
} yield root.join(file)

private final val renameStatusCode = "R"
private final val renameStatusArrowDelimiter = "-> "

private def withRoot(files: => Seq[String]): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val root = tryRoot.get

Method extracts path to changed file from the singular line of the `git status --porcelain` output.
private def extractPathPart(s: String): Try[String] =
// Checks if the line status states the file was renamed (E.g: `R ORIG_PATH -> PATH`)
.filter(_.substring(0, 2).contains(renameStatusCode))
// takes the part of the string after the `-> ` character sequence
// fallback for the regular status line (E.g.: `XY PATH`)
// Drops the status codes by splitting on white spaces then taking the tail of the result
// Restores spaces in the path by merging the tail back with white space separator
.getOrElse(s.trim.split(' ').tail.mkString(" "))
private def extractPathPart(s: String): String =
// Checks if the line status states the file was renamed (E.g: `R ORIG_PATH -> PATH`)
.filter(_.substring(0, 2).contains(renameStatusCode))
// takes the part of the string after the `-> ` character sequence
// fallback for the regular status line (E.g.: `XY PATH`)
// Drops the status codes by splitting on white spaces then taking the tail of the result
// Restores spaces in the path by merging the tail back with white space separator
.getOrElse(s.trim.split(' ').tail.mkString(" "))

private def trimQuotes(s: String): String =
s.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "")

private def getFileFromGitStatusLine(s: String): Try[Path] =
.map(pathRaw => FileOps.getFile(trimQuotes(pathRaw)))
private def getFileFromGitStatusLine(s: String): String =
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ private object GitOpsTest {
ops: GitOpsImpl,
loc: Location
): Seq[String] =
ops.exec("git" +: cmd +: args) match {
Try(ops.exec("git" +: cmd +: args)) match {
case Failure(f) =>"Failed git command. Got: $f")
case Success(s) => s
Expand Down

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