- SFNO now can learn a
map that inputs arbitrary-length trajectory, and outputs arbitrary-lengthed trajectory (if length is not specified, then the output length is the same with the input).
Generate the original FNO data where the right hand side is a fixed forcing
- Training and validation data (training using first 1152 and valid using the last 128) for paper
>>> python data_gen_fno.py --num-samples 1280 --batch-size 256 --grid-size 256 --subsample 4 --extra-vars --time 50 --time-warmup 30 --num-steps 100 --dt 1e-3 --visc 1e-3
- Test data on
>>> python data_gen_fno.py --num-samples 16 --batch-size 8 --grid-size 256 --subsample 1 --double --extra-vars --time 50 --time-warmup 30 --num-steps 100 --dt 1e-3 --replicable-init --seed 42
Generate the isotropic turbulence in [1] with the inverse cascade frequency signature Kolmogorov discovered.
[1]: McWilliams, J. C. (1984). The emergence of isolated coherent vortices in turbulent flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 146, 21-43.
- Training dataset:
>>> python data_gen_McWilliams2d.py --num-samples 1152 --grid-size 256 --subsample 4 --visc 1e-3 --dt 1e-3 --time 10 --time-warmup 4.5 --num-steps 100 --diam "2*torch.pi"
- Testing dataset for plotting the enstrohpy spectrum in the paper
>>> python data_gen_McWilliams2d.py --num-samples 1152 --grid-size 256 --subsample 4 --visc 1e-3 --dt 1e-3 --time 10 --time-warmup 4.5 --num-steps 100 --diam "2*torch.pi"
Train SFNO for the FNO dataset:
>>> python train.py --example "fno" --num-samples 1152 --num-val-samples 128 --epochs 10 --width 20 --modes 12 --modes-t 5 --time-steps 10 --out-time-steps 40 --beta 0.02
Evaluating the model only and plotting the predictions. Note for evaluation, there is no need to specify the out_steps when initializing the model. One should get around 1e-2
relative accuracy with the ground truth in 10 epochs of training, if this level is not reached, something must be wrong with the setup.
>>> python train.py --example "fno" --eval-only --epochs 10 --width 20 --modes 12 --modes-t 5 --beta 0.02 --out-time-steps 40 --demo-plots 10
The isotropic turbulence that has the inverse cascade of -5/3 frequency decay signature.
Train SFNO for the McWilliams2d dataset. One should get around 6e-2
relative accruacy with the ground truth after 15 epochs of training.
>>> python train.py --example "McWilliams2d" --epochs 15 --width 10 --modes 32 --modes-t 5 --beta -0.01
Evaluation for McWilliams2d dataset: note there will be aliasing error caused by the super-resolution when the solution is not smooth.
>>> python train.py --example "McWilliams2d" --eval-only --width 10 --modes 32 --modes-t 5 --beta -0.01 --demo-plots 10
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