To develop an interactive online application which can make the job of taking and maintaining attendance faster and reliable. The main aim of this project is to reduce Human effort.
Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, AJAX,Django ,Firebase, Machine learning,Google Maps.
Install python3 Install Django 3.0 Install all the modules in requirements.txt.
Written in Requirements.txt
Before running the project please make sure that the credentials are set in In Authorised Javascript origins, add http://localhost:portnumber In Authorised redirect URLs, add http://localhost:portnumber/accounts/google/login/callback/ and http://localhost:portnumber and save the above changes.
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python runserver portnumber
Temporarily, our machine learning model is demanding a lot of space(>500MB) so we could not host this to a server. Instead we can use ngrok for temporary.
- Open a new terminal
- Run the command ngrok http portnumber -host-header="localhost:portnumber"
- A secure tunnel has been created now for safe browsing of your website
- In the new terminal you need to go at to continue further browsing and marking the attendance.
User Friendly, Secured One tap Login,Logout,Data Update,auto complete search(for easier search), Hassle Free Attendance within minutes
Following are the steps in our Application.