Team 14712 Robot Code
Clone of Original FTC SKYSTONE Repository
- Install Git from Self-Service.
- Create an account at GitHub.
- Click the Clone or Download button and download the ZIP file.
- Open the zip file in a new folder on your computer.
- Open Android Studio and click Import Project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc)
- Select the SKYSTONE folder and click Import
When you create a new file in the teamcode folder, Android Studio will ask you if you want to add the new file to the repository. This will set the file to be uploaded to GitHub, so you should do this. If you click "no" you can always go to the VCS menu and add the file to the repository later.
Notice that the new file will be highlighted green in the sidebar. This shows you that the file only exists on your computer and is not yet in the repository on GitHub.
When you reach a stable bit of code, or you want to test out something new, you should save the current version of your code so you can come back to it later. This is called a commit. Click on the VCS menu and click Commit (or press command-K). Write a little message to the team to remind yourself what this version of the file does, then click Commit. Commit does not upload your code to GitHub, it just saves the current version of your file for later access. To upload your code to GitHub, you need to do a push.
You can edit code on your computer all you want. When you have some working code or are ready to share your code with the team, click on the VCS menu then Git... then Push... (or press command-shift-K). This will save any changes on your computer to the GitHib repository
Update the files on your computer to match the most recent files on GitHub, click the VCS menu and click Update Project... (or press command-T).