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SPI interface components written in Verilog-2005 with cocotb testbenches.
- AXIS_DATA_WIDTH: the bit width of the axis stream interface
- PRESCALE_WIDTH: the bit of the clock prescale value
- lsb_first: clock out the lowest bit first
- spi_mode: determines the idle clock polarity and how the module sample snad shift data
- sclk_prescale: the number to divide the clock cycles by (should be divisible by 4)
- spi_word_width: how many bits are transmitted in a SPI transaction
- rx_overrun_error: received another word before the current word has been read
- bus_active: active high when the bus is currently in use (should be inverted to get n_cs)
The mode, sclk_prescale, and word_width are sampled at the beginning of an SPI transaction, which is initiated by the AXIS input.
- NUM_SS_BITS: the number of slave select lines (1-32)
- FIFO_EXIST: declares that a FIFO buffer should exist between the AXIL register and spi_master module.
- FIFO_DEPTH: the depth of the FIFO queue
- AXIL_ADDR_WIDTH: the address width of the AXIL interface (16, 32, 64)
- AXIL_ADDR_BASE: the base address that the contents are offset from
rtl/spi_master.v : SPI master module
rtl/spi_master_axil.v : SPI master module (32-bit AXI lite slave)
The following CPOL and CPHA definitons are identical to the ones used by the Linux Kernel and Wikipedia. When CPHA=0, we should sample on the first edge that we see, while when CPHA=1, we should sample on the second edge. This means that the edge that we sample on changes depending on the idle clock polarity.
SPI Mode | CPOL | CPHA | Clock Idle Level | Data Shifting |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Sample on rising edge, shift on falling edge |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Sample on falling edge, shift on rising edge |
2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Sample on falling edge, shift on rising edge |
3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Sample on rising edge, shift on falling edge |
Running the included testbenches requires cocotb, cocotbext-axi, and Icarus Verilog. The testbenches can be run with pytest directly (requires cocotb-test), pytest via tox, or via cocotb makefiles. This code requires at least iverilog v11.0 because of the SystemVerilog constructs.
The code structure and style is based upon alexforencich/verilog-uart.