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(1) Mo., 27.02.2023

till.schal edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

Entry from Martin in the morning

We sat down with our Product Owners to discuss the Project. These were the results:

  • Start off with one document
  • Good datasets are available on NLTK
  • Identify the characters (Entity Name Recognition)
  • Identify the topics (Topic Modelling)
  • Create associations between characters and topics
  • Visualize the associations in a graph
  • Three main working areas: FrontEnd/BackeEnd, Entity Name Recognition, Topic Modelling

Entry from Martin 14:05

We split up the working load according to the three main working areas. Martin will work on the FrontEnd/BackEnd, Sanaz on the Entity Name Recognition and Till on the Topic Modelling.

Sanaz is reading up on her topic, Till is doing experiments on Topic Modelling (Comapring Gensims LDA vs BERTopic) and Martin is still evaluating the WebApp framework.

Entry from Martin 15:44

Martin decided to use Django as the WebApp framework. He is now watching his first tutorial video in order to set up the project and start with the FrontEnd/BackEnd.