Group Members: Eric Lin, Andrew Murphy, Elita Nelson
To use this site: Click the upload button and then select the files you would like to upload. The site only accepts relatively small sized .jpegs. The files will then upload and script for both aesthetic and technical ratings will be run on those images. The pictures will then be able to be viewed with their scores on the main page (though you will have to refresh after uploading). The user can search the files and sort them alphabetically, or by score.
The goal of this site was to provide a user interface for users to upload and assess the quality of photos. The stakeholder is the Renoylds Journalism Institute, which has an abundance of images and needs a way to sort through and narrow down those options. Idealo image quality assessment program is used to give photos scores based on their technical and aesthetic qualities. Users, primarily photographers and journalists, are able to login, upload photos, and view other photos and their scores.
Deployment Environment: