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About Augur

Augur is focused on prototyping open source software metrics.

Functionally, Augur is a prototyped implementation of the Linux Foundation's CHAOSS Project on open source software metrics. Technically, Augur is a Flask web application, Python library and REST server that presents metrics on open source software development project health and sustainability.

Group 11 - Final Project

For our project, we created three new API endpoints: contributor-affiliation, committer-data, and testing-coverage. We also created a website to view these new metrics, at .


  1. Clone this repository into a local directory using git clone
  2. Follow the 'Getting Started' guide in the Augur documentation to set up out Augur version, stopping before make install.
  3. Ensure your virtual environment has been activated and uses python 3.
  4. Run pip uninstall gunicorn, then run pip install gunicorn==19.9.0.
  5. Run make install, opting to install the database schema, load the sample data, and not install front-end dependencies.
  6. Using the database created following Augur's installation guide, enter into the database using psql, and add new data into the database using the commands insert into augur_data.repo_test_coverage(repo_id, file_subroutines_tested, file_subroutine_count, file_statements_tested, file_statement_count) values (25430, 124, 154, 254, 304) and insert into augur_data.repo_test_coverage(repo_id, file_subroutines_tested, file_subroutine_count, file_statements_tested, file_statement_count) values (25432, 354, 354, 463, 602)
  7. Run make install again
  8. To start the API server, run augur run --no-enable-housekeeper

You may now access your API endpoints on your localhost at port 5000, for instance using http://localhost:5000/api/unstable/repo-groups/20/committer-data

  1. In a separate terminal windown, naviage into /sengfs19-group11/website
  2. Ensure your virtual environment is activated.
  3. run python3

You may now access your website at http://localhost:8080/home.html

Changed/Added Files

  1. created /website directory to house the code for our front end, which contains home.html, one.html, two.html, ethnicities.html, navbar.html, augur.css, testData.js, contributorData.js, committerData.js, and
  2. changed,,, and in /augur/metrics/commit directory to add the committer-data API endpoint
  3. changed,,, and in /augur/metrics/contributor directory to add the contributor-affiliation API endpoint
  4. changed,,, and in /augur/metrics/insight directory to add the testing-coverage API endpoint
  5. created sprint-1, sprint-2, sprint-3, and sprint-4directories to contain all class materials
  6. created Group 11 Design Doc.pdf


Back End

Function and route tests were written for all three new metrics. To verify your functions are working correctly:

  1. Activate your virtual environment (ex: source augur_env/bin/activate)
  2. Run pip install pytest-timeout
  3. Navigate into the sengfs19-group11 directory
  4. Run the tests for your desired metric:
  • committer-data:
  1. pytest augur/metrics/commit/
  2. pytest augur/metrics/commit/ --timeout=300
  • contributor-affiliation:
  1. pytest augur/metrics/contributor/
  2. pytest augur/metrics/contributor/
  • testing-coverage
  1. pytest augur/metrics/insight/
  2. pytest augur/metrics/insight/

Front End

  1. The maps should populate with pins at contributor locations when opening the home page. Locations can be confirmed by viewing the contributors' city in the location API.
  2. The pie charts and table in each repo group will appear after a load time. This can again be confirmed by comparing the diversity API against the table.
  3. The testing coverage meters are easily checked with doing a percentage calculation from the API.

License, Copyright, and Funding

Copyright © 2019 University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of Missouri and CHAOSS Project at the Linux Foundation

Augur is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License as published by the Open Source Initiative. See the LICENSE file for more details.

This work has been funded through the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.