This repository contains the source code of the scholarboard backend that supports the web and ios client.
- Thomas Lee - Back End Lead Engineer
- Medi Assumani - Back End Engineer
- Node.JS
- Express.JS
- MongoDB
Scholarboard follows a RESTFull and Resourcefull routing Architecture. Below are the available endpoints.
Base URL :
Verb | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /api/scholarships | Get all scholarships |
GET | /api/scholarships/:id | Get a specific scholarship |
GET | /api/scholarships/race/:ethnicity | Get scholarship by ehtnicity |
GET | /api/scholarships/deadline/:year/:month/:day | Get scholarship by date |
GET | /api/users/dashboard | Get all matching scholarships |
GET | /api/users/profile/:email | Get the user account profile |
POST | /api/sign-up | Sign up a user |
POST | /api/sign-in | Sign in a user |
DELETE | /api/sign-out | Sign out a user |
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Replace this with something else - anyone who helped you(Link it to their github page)
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details