Little library to parse CSV files. It was created to be able to parse large CSV files (millions of lines). The library consists of 2 components:
- LineReader: A component to read the lines of a file. It uses an internal buffer to store lines untill they are ready to be processed. Reading the file is paused untill the buffer is empty.
- CsvRecordReader: Component to parse a single line of a CSV. It will create objects based on a template.
The 2 components can be used independently.
Imagine a CSV constructed as follows.
John,Silver,Avenue du prince 24,Paris
Silvia,Janssens,Gemeentehuisstraat 5,Evere
Jessy,Red,Palmtreeroad 9,Miami
The folllwing code fragment initializes the needed components.
const { CsvRecordReader, LineReader } = require('bigcsv');
// Create a record reader, configured with a template.
const recordReader = new CsvRecordReader({
delimiter: ',',
cleanToNull: true,
template: [
"name", // the first column will be stored in an attribute named "name"
null, // the second column will be ignored
{ name: "street", trans: (val) => { return val.toUpperCase(); } }, // the fourth column will be stored in an attribute named street and its value transformed to uppercase
let lr = new LineReader();
// this starts reading the file and filling the buffer, (lr) => {
while (lr.available()) {
var line = lr.pop();
var recordObject = recordReader.readLine(line.l); // l property contains the actual content of the line
// ... do something with the object