Private PyPi - Nginx - Cloudflare SSL
This repository is supposed to create a private PyPI server hosted in Google Compute Engine e2-micro instance (free Tier) with as hostname and SSL from Cloudflare. You must change hostname to your hostname.
Create Ubuntu e2-micro instance in Compute Engine, in the Advanced options > Networking, fill in your hostname (ex.
Go to Cloudflare > Website > DNS > Records, then Add A Record to point your hostname to server IP.
Install Docker using this guide
Install apache2-utils
sudo apt install apache2-utils
Clone this repository, and cd into it.
Create folder to store packages, and create pypiserver user and group and give them access
sudo addgroup --system --gid 9898 pypiserver sudo adduser --uid 9898 --ingroup pypiserver --system --no-create-home pypiserver sudo mkdir packages sudo chown -R pypiserver:pypiserver packages sudo chmod g+s packages
Create .htpasswd file
htpasswd -sc auth/.htpasswd <username>
To add more user,
htpasswd -sc auth/.htpasswd <second_username>
- Go to Cloudflare > Website > SSL/TLS > Origin Server, then create RSA certificate, Fill hostnames with your hostname. Choose certificate validity, then click Create.
- Save Origin Certificate and Private Key as and, then place it in certs folder.
- Do not forget to adjust hostname in Nginx configuration inside nginx/conf.d/local.conf file.
Start docker
sudo docker compose up -d
Docker will pull the latest image, build, and then start pypiserver and nginx containers.
Stop pypiserver and nginx container
sudo docker stop pypiserver nginx
For updating the image, use the following steps:
sudo docker compose down
docker-compose up --pull always --build -d
sudo docker image prune -f
- Certificate error on client side
Site visitors may see untrusted certificate errors if you pause or disable Cloudflare on subdomains that use Origin CA certificates. These certificates only encrypt traffic between Cloudflare and your origin server, not traffic from client browsers to your origin.
Solution: Enable Proxied status in A Records configuration.
- PyPi server not running after VM reboot
Sometimes, VM automatically restarted if they are terminated for non-user-initiated reasons (maintenance event, hardware failure, software failure and so on). In Google Compute Engine, we can add startup script that will run when your instance boots up or restarts.
#! /bin/bash
cd /home/<your_username>/pypiserver-nginx-cloudflare
sudo docker compose up -d
Update version number in pyproject.toml, then
poetry build -f wheel
Make sure poetry is configured to have access to that PyPI.
poetry config repositories.myrepo
poetry config http-basic.myrepo <username> <password>
Publish the package
poetry publish -r myrepo
Add your repository
poetry source add --priority=supplemental myrepo
Configure your credentials
poetry config http-basic.myrepo <username> <password>
Install package
poetry add --source myrepo <package_name>
- Install package
pip install -f <package-name>
It will ask you for username and password.