- Git - Download & Install Git.
- Node.js - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager.
git clone {repository URL}
npm install
npm start
- Install Docker
- Build images
docker-compose up
After starting the app on port (4000 as default) you can open in your browser OpenAPI documentation by typing http://localhost:4000/doc/. For more information about OpenAPI/Swagger please visit https://swagger.io/.
After application running open new terminal and enter:
To run all tests without authorization
npm test
To run only one of all test suites (users, boards or tasks)
npm test <suite name>
To run all test with authorization
npm run test:auth
To run only specific test suite with authorization (users, boards or tasks)
npm run test:auth <suite name>
If you're using VSCode, you can get a better developer experience from integration with ESLint and Prettier extensions.
npm run lint
Press F5 to debug.
For more information, visit: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging