(OPTONAL) Remove old environment:
rmdir /s /q .venv
rmdir /s /q "%USERPROFILE%\.jupyter"
Install new version:
- use python
. - DO NOT use
does not have a good match forlibzmq
- use JupyterLab v3 (NOT v4) because bokeh does not work
python -m venv .venv
where python
# python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
# removed `itkwidgets`, since pyvista seems to be better maintained/compatible
# see https://github.com/imjoy-team/imjoy-jupyterlab-extension/issues/6#issuecomment-1898703563
# `imjoy` is needed for itkwidgets on jupyterlab
python -m pip install --verbose --no-cache --no-warn-script-location boto3 colorcet fsspec numpy imageio urllib3 pillow xarray xmltodict plotly requests scikit-image scipy seaborn tifffile pandas tqdm matplotlib zarr altair cartopy dash fastparquet folium geodatasets geopandas geoviews lxml numexpr scikit-learn sqlalchemy statsmodels vega_datasets xlrd yfinance pyarrow pydeck h5py hdf5plugin netcdf4 nexpy nexusformat nbgitpuller intake ipysheet ipywidgets bokeh==3.3.4 ipywidgets-bokeh panel==1.3.8 holoviews hvplot datashader vtk pyvista trame trame-vtk trame-vuetify notebook "jupyterlab==3.6.6" jupyter_bokeh jupyter-server-proxy jupyterlab-system-monitor "pyviz_comms>=2.0.0,<3.0.0" "jupyterlab-pygments>=0.2.0,<0.3.0"
# in debug just use local paths
# set PYTHONPATH=C:\projects\OpenVisus\build\RelWithDebInfo;.\src
python -m pip install OpenVisusNoGui openvisuspy
# test import
python -c "import OpenVisus"
python -c "import openvisuspy"
# save the output for the future
pip freeze
# test pyvista
python examples/python/test-pyvista.py
# test vtk volume
python examples/python/test-vtkvolume.py
Change as needed:
# set PYTHONPATH=C:\projects\OpenVisus\build\RelWithDebInfo;.\src
set VISUS_CACHE=c:/tmp/visus-cache
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/david_subsampled/visus.idx"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/2kbit1/zip/hzorder/visus.idx"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/signal1d/visus.idx"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/chess/nsdf-group/dashboards.json"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/chess/nsdf-group/datasets/near-field-nexus/visus.idx"
# example sync view (works in 2d only)
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "D:/visus-datasets/david_subsampled/visus.idx" "D:/visus-datasets/microscope/bw/visus.idx"
# slac
python -m panel serve app --dev --args c:\big\visus-datasets\signal1d_slac\visus.idx
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3/utah/visus-datasets/signal1d_slac/visus.idx?cached=arco&access_key=any&secret_key=any&endpoint_url=https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3"
# slac max
python -m panel serve app --dev --args c:\big\visus-datasets\signal1d_slac_max\visus.idx
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3/utah/visus-datasets/signal1d_slac_max/visus.idx?cached=arco&access_key=any&secret_key=any&endpoint_url=https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3"
# single signals
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3/utah/supercdms-data/CDMS/UMN/R68/Raw/07180816_1648/07180816_1648_F0006/events/00135/banks/SCD0/data.npz?profile=sealstorage_ro&endpoint_url=https://maritime.sealstorage.io/api/v0/s3"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nsdf-fabric/nsdf-slac/main/dashboards.json"
# not sure why I cannot cache in arco an IDX that is NON arco
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://atlantis.sci.utah.edu/mod_visus?dataset=david_subsampled&cached=idx"
python -m panel serve app --dev --args "https://atlantis.sci.utah.edu/mod_visus?dataset=2kbit1&cached=idx"
# check jupyter paths
where jupyter
jupyter kernelspec list
# Check extensions:
# **all extensions should show `enabled ok...`**
# e.g you will need @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh for bokeh (installed by `jupyter_bokeh``)
# e.g you will need @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz for panel (installed by `pyviz_comms``)
# avoid any message `is not compatible with the current JupyterLab` message at the bottom
jupyter labextension list
# Build recommended, please run `jupyter lab build`:
# @plotly/dash-jupyterlab needs to be included in build
pip install nodejs-bin[cmd]
jupyter lab clean --all
jupyter lab build
# rmdir /s /q C:\Users\scrgi\AppData\Local\Yarn
# Look also for additional extensions loaded from here
# dir .venv\share\jupyter\lab\extensions\*
jupyter labextension list
# is this avoiding any caching/security problem? not sure
python scripts/run_command.py "jupyter nbconvert --clear-output --inplace {notebook}" "examples/notebooks/*.ipynb"
python scripts/run_command.py "jupyter trust {notebook}" "examples/notebooks/*.ipynb"
# set BROWSER="C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
jupyter lab .
Deploy new binaries
- Update the
# source .venv/bin/activate