Ansible playbooks to boot resources in the cloud for the sciCORE courses
Inside the ansible folder you will find different playbooks for the different scicore courses. Playbooks with same name prefix belong to the same course. e.g. these are the playbooks to boot a slurm cluster
First playbook will use Terraform to boot the cloud the resources and will create an ansible static inventory.
Rest of the playbooks will use static inventory to connect to the cloud resources and configure them.
If a variable starts with prefix local_
it means it's a "playbook var" defined only for this playbook.
If a variable has any other prefix different from local_
it's a role variable. It's used to override a var in one of the roles in ansible/requirements.yml
$> git clone
$> cd ansible-playbook-scicore-courses-cloud
Tested with Python-3.6.6:
$> virtualenv venv_cloud
$> source venv_cloud/bin/activate
(venv_cloud)$> pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv_cloud)$> ansible-galaxy role install -r ansible/requirements.yml -p ansible/roles/
(venv_cloud)$> ansible-galaxy collection install -r ansible/requirements.yml -p ansible/collections/
$> mkdir ~/bin/
$> curl -o /tmp/
$> unzip /tmp/ -d ~/bin/
$> export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Go to your cloud webui and download the auth RC file. In openstack this is usually located in the top right corner of the webui.
(venv_cloud)$> source openstack_auth.rc
(venv_cloud)$> source <(openstack complete)
At this point you should be able to interact with the cloud API from the CLI. Try these commands. They will be useful to define you config file:
(venv_cloud)$> openstack image list
(venv_cloud)$> openstack flavor list
(venv_cloud)$> openstack network list
(venv_cloud)$> openstack server list
If these commands don't work double check that your openstack login info is correct and try to execute openstack image list -v
to get a more verbose output
(venv_cloud)$> cp config/slurm_cluster_switch_cloud.yml.example config/slurm_cluster_switch_cloud.yml
Now edit config/slurm_cluster_switch_cloud.yml
and adapt it to your needs based on the output from previous commands. Most variables are self-descriptive.
TO-DO: Improve the config docs
when defining the number of nodes to boot or the disk size double check in the webui if your cloud quota is big enough
$> ./
$> ssh -F ~/.ssh/slurm_cluster_cloud.cfg slurm-login
From you ansible control host:
$> ansible slurm_cluster_all -i ansible/inventory/slurm_cluster -m shell -a 'uname -r'
$> ansible slurm_cluster_all -i ansible/inventory/slurm_cluster -m shell -a 'yum -y install htop'
$> cd terraform/slurm-cluster-openstack/
$> terraform destroy
$> openstack keypair delete slurm_cluster_cloud