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Scientific Observatory Network (SciON)

(C) Individual Contributors, 2014-2015
Open source under BSD license. See LICENSE for details.

Code is in parts based on the:

Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure (OOI CI)
Integrated Observatory Network (ION)

(C) The Regents of the University of California, 2010-2014
Open source under BSD license.

(C) University of Chicago, 2013
Open source under Apache 2.0 license (execution env.)

See also: ScionCC Wiki,


SciON provides an extensible Python application server, core frameworks and
services for a variety of applications, including scientific observation,
data streaming and signal processing.

SciON provides a message-driven, service-oriented scalable application
deployment platform with REST API gateway that can be extended to meet
custom needs.

Based on the Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure, see and


bin/            (generated) buildout scripts to start container etc
defs/objects/   interface definitions for objects and service
defs/res/       deployment and configuration files
interface/      (generated) service clients, stubs and object base classes
logs/           (generated) contains log files produced by the container
misc/           make and install libraries and documentation
obj/            (symlink) to defs/objects
res/            (symlink) to defs/res
src/            project source code and packages root (also contains
src/pyon/       code for the Pyon framework (config, messaging, logging, objects)
                and the ScionCC container and related utils
src/ion/        code for higher level services, processes, UIs and agents
src/putil/      code for Pyon independent utils (not gevent aware)
src/scripts/    code for script entry points


See file INSTALL for details.


Provide local configuration (e.g. host names, passwords) in:
    Note: additional override config can be provided via the bin/pycc command line

Note: You can copy from res/config/examples. DO NOT EDIT the provided config files.

Provide logging override configuration for loggers by module in:
    Note: additional override logging config can be provided via the command line


Start a development instance of the SciON system with basic services:
    > bin/pycc -fc -r res/deploy/basic.yml      # Note: -fc cleans database

List supported Pyon Capability Container arguments:
    > bin/pycc --help

Run unit tests:
    > bin/nosetests -v -a UNIT

Run smoke tests to verify sanity of the system:
    > bin/nosetests -v -a SMOKE

Run full integration tests - this will take a long time so may be optional:
    > bin/nosetests -v -a INT

To launch the developer/admin Web UI (default on localhost:8080), add --mx option:
    > bin/pycc --mx

To set a different sysname:
    > bin/pycc -s NEWSYSNAME


After startup with bin/pycc, the capability container drops into an interactive
IPython shell. Introspect running services or perform any Python programming step.
Exit with Ctrl-D or quit()


After startup with bin/pycc -n, the capability container maintains an embedded
IPython kernel. Connect with bin/manhole and use similar to IPython shell.
Detach from shell with Ctrl-D or stop the container with quit().
    > bin/manhole


To reset the system's messaging and datastore persistence, call:
    > bin/pycc -X -fc -bc

Clean outdated code (*.pyc files and generated interfaces):
    > ant clean
    > bin/generate_interface

To drop Postgres databases:
    > bin/clear_db SYSNAME    # E.g. ion, scion or other sysname

Development environment:
    A good IDE is PyCharm (free community edition works). Just configure:
    = Buildout Support: Enable buildout support by pointing at bin/pycc
    - Project Structure: source root is ./src
    - Project Structure: add content root extern/scioncc/src
    - Python Interpreter: use the python binary from your virtualenv directory
    - Python Debugger: Enable Gevent compatibility mode

RabbitMQ management interface (login as guest/guest):

Database inspection using psql tool (example):
    psql postgres
    \c scion_ion
    \d ion_resources
    select id,type_,name from ion_resources;

Using IPython with buildout:
    > bin/ipython

To get a trace of concurrent greenlets in the container (replace pid with container's pid):
    > kill -SIGUSR2 pid


To run automated tests:
    > bin/nosetests

Test options (selection, can be combined):
    > bin/nosetests -v      # List test names and status while running
    > bin/nosetests -s      # Show console output while running

You can run subsets of tests:
    > bin/nosetests -a UNIT   # Unit tests only (mocked out backend dependencies)
    > bin/nosetests -a INT    # Integration tests only (loads full service stack)
    > bin/nosetests -a SMOKE  # Small cross-section of tests to quickly check function

    > bin/nosetests  # Run a subset by code package
    > bin/nosetests  # Run a specific test

Code coverage.
    See for details, options etc.
    > bin/coverage bin/nosetests   # Can run with any test
    > bin/coverage report
    > bin/coverage html


To create a distribution egg in ./dist:
    > ant clean
    > bin/generate_interfaces
    > bin/buildout setup . bdist_egg

To configure a ScionCC application as an Upstart daemon, read ./misc/deploy/deploy_ubuntu.txt
    > sudo service scion start


See DEVELOPMENT section for how to clean the database, broker and outdated code.

If your code/tests fail, you might have some incorrect values in
pyon.local.yml or logging.local.yml. Also try restarting RabbitMQ.

If your code/tests fail unexpectedly when you have tried everything else, your build
environment might be corrupted.
    - check for bogus packages in virtualenv lssitepackages -al
    - rm and recreate the virtualenv
    - re-run and buildout
    - If you suspect an egg is bad, remove the suspected egg from the eggs/ dir. Re-run buildout.


Use Pycharm or any other Python IDE to debug; breakpoints and step-by-step
are possible. Set the executable to bin/pycc (or bin/nosetests) and set the
working directory to the git repository root. Use the -n option to avoid the
interactive IPython shell--it does not work properly with the debugger.

See DEVELOPMENT section for how to configure PyCharm IDE.


SciON Capability Container (Python)







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