Ontology management tools of the SciVi scientific visualization system, part of SciVi.Tools project
Used relations:
- is_a -- "A -is_a-> B" means "A is subclass of B" or "A is of type B"
- a_part_of -- "A -a_part_of-> B" means "A is a part of B"; there should be at least two parts of B in this case, so A should not be a single part, there should be other parts of B
- has -- "A -has-> B" means A possesses B; it is OK when A possesses only one thing, so if B is alone connected to A by "has"
- base_type -- "A -base_type-> B" means that B is base type of A; for example if A is an array, B is type of its elements
- is_instance -- "A -is_instance-> B" means A is implementation of B; for example A may denote a code of concept B is about
- is_used -- "A -is_used-> B" means A is used to determine B; for example, if A denotes parameter and B denotes code, this means A is a parameter inside B; if A denotes code and B denotes parameter, this means A calculates out B; if A denotes code and B denotes code mask, this means A should be inserted instead of B; if A is output and B is input, this means A should be substituted as B (in other words, B := A); if A is a worker and B is a computing resource, this means A is a program executed on B; if A is a protocol and B is a computing resource, this means A is supported by B
- language -- "A -language-> B" means A is written in B; this is used to link code with language
- is_hosted -- "A -is_hosted-> B" means A should be executed on B
Please, do not add any other relations.
Used top-level nodes:
- Root -- top-most super abstract concept; everything linked to "Root" by "is_a" is meant to be top-level abstract concept
- DataSource
- VisualObject
- Filter
- CodeBlock
- Input
- Output
- ClientSideWorker
- ServerSideWorker
- CodeMask
- Widget