goal: unix system service that collects events and reliably delivers them to kafka, relieving other services on the same system from having to do so.
journals events through bolt-db so that in the event of an kafka outage, events can still be accepted, and will be delivered when kafka becomes available.
- listens on, rest-api is
POST /:topic -d message
- journals events to bolt db.
- discovers brokers via netflix exhibitor, or a seed broker list.
- delivers events to kafka.
event-shuttle --help
Usage of event-shuttle:
-brokers="": comma seperated list of ip:port to use as seed brokers
-db="events.db": name of the boltdb database file
-debug=false: start a pprof http server on 6060
-exhibitor=false: use EXHIBITOR_URL from env to lookup seed brokers
-port="3887": port on which to listen for events
event-shuttle -brokers,
EXHIBITOR_URL=<some httpsUrl with creds> event-shuttle -exhibitor=true