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folderhash Supports Python 3.6 MIT License Uses the Curio async library

Compare folder contents via hash. File I/O and hashing are done in threads using the Curio library to make the comparison as speedy as possible!

I use folderhash for extra assurance that large or important file copies have been performed accurately.


Installation from PyPI should be easy:

$ pip install folderhash

folderhash supports only Python 3.6 or later.


$ mkdir -p /tmp/demo/a /tmp/demo/b  # just some setup
$ cd /tmp/demo
$ touch a/a a/b a/c b/a b/b b/d
$ echo "DIFFERENT CONTENT" >> a/b

$ folderhash a b  # the simplest case--compare two folders
9fb5d41e2533b73381bdde8e3ac2d60a6a18467674771187595d83e9bfa30909 a/b
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a b/b

a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a a/c

a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a b/d

$ # you can change the hash algorithm!
$ # all of the algorithms in your Python's `hashlib` are available
$ # default is sha3_256
$ folderhash -s md5 a b
128edd12d0b04e23d10c4747d0da2c03 a/b
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e b/b

d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e a/c

d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e b/d

$ # it works with relative paths, too
$ cd a
$ folderhash . ../b
9fb5d41e2533b73381bdde8e3ac2d60a6a18467674771187595d83e9bfa30909 ./b
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a ../b/b

a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a ./c
ABSENT ../b/c

a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a ../b/d

$ # you can do the hashing separately and compare at a later time
$ # absolute paths are always shown here
$ cd ..
$ folderhash a > a.txt
$ folderhash b > b.txt
$ folderhash -a a.txt -b b.txt
9fb5d41e2533b73381bdde8e3ac2d60a6a18467674771187595d83e9bfa30909 /tmp/demo/a/b
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a /tmp/demo/b/b

a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a /tmp/demo/a/c
ABSENT /tmp/demo/b/c

ABSENT /tmp/demo/a/d
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a /tmp/demo/b/d

$ # the format of the hash files is simple: {hash_value}<SP>{full_path}
$ cat a.txt
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a /tmp/demo/a/a
9fb5d41e2533b73381bdde8e3ac2d60a6a18467674771187595d83e9bfa30909 /tmp/demo/a/b
a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a /tmp/demo/a/c


Changes as of 8 August 2017

1.0.1 <8 August 2017>

  • Some readme fixes
  • Change the PyPI development status classifier from Beta to Production/Stable
  • Show paths relative to the input argument instead of absolute paths when producing output. I think it's easier to understand this way.
  • Add some error checking for input of empty hash files

1.0.0 <7 August 2017>

  • Initial stable release to PyPI!


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If you have a bug or issue to report, please visit the issues page on Github and open an issue there.


MIT. See the LICENSE.rst file for more information.