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Releases: scottbucher/BirthdayBot

Version 3.4 - Port to Discord.js v13 & Bug Fixes

11 Sep 19:55
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Updated to use Discord.js v13 along with various bug fixes and improvements

Version 3.3 - Blacklisting Roles & Bug Fixes

23 Sep 19:13
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This update adds the ability to blacklist roles, as well as numerous bug fixes and improvements.

Version 3.1 - Bug Fixes/Enchantments

24 Jul 01:04
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Update direct at bug fixes and enhancements for the anniversary update.


  • New commands to edit the embed setting and color of pre-existing messages
  • New DateFormat setting to decide how Birthday Bot detects birthdays when users are setting their birthday in the server
  • The message lists now show if the message is embedded and what color it is

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where users without all or any trusted roles would receive the birthday message/role
  • Fixed an issue where members would have their 0th member anniversary celebrated
  • Fixed an error being thrown in bday test when a user wasn't specified
  • Fixed the Trusted Role List & Member Anniversary Role List having each other's titles
  • Fixed the year of the member anniversary roles showing as undefined in the list
  • Fixed a bug where the bday next memberAnniversary message was empty or would show year 0 member anniversaries
  • Fixed mixed up blacklist messages
  • Fixed the active field being undefined in the bday premium command
  • Fixed a bug where the birthday role could be given instead of the member anniversary role
  • Fixed various spelling/grammar mistakes
  • Fixed bug when testing the default messages

Version 4.0 - Slash Commands + Linguini

15 Apr 03:28
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Added slash commands and switched to linguini along with numerous other things.

Premium & Updates

19 Oct 01:02
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New Features:

  • Use the new birthday blacklist feature to block certain users from having their birthday celebrated, useful for preventing trolls from inputting the wrong birthday!
  • The new birthday master role decides who can use administrator commands rather than reserving those commands from those with the ADMINISTRATOR permission


  • The new Birthday Bot Premium service is now available. Get access to unique and new features, avoid voting and support development!

  • Birthday Bot now supports user-specific birthday messages for premium servers. A user-specific birthday message is a message for a certain user only (each user can only have one assigned to them) and it overrides all other messages.

  • Set the color of the birthday message embed!

  • Get up to 500 custom birthday messages (free is now only 10)!

  • You don't have to vote!

New Commands:

  • bday premium - view information about Birthday Bot Premium.
  • bday subscribe - subscribe to Birthday Bot Premium.
  • bday create birthdayMasterRole - create the default birthday master role
  • bday update birthdayMasterRole <role> - update the birthday master role.
  • bday clear birthdayMasterRole - clear the birthday master role.
  • bday blacklist add <user> - add a user to the birthday blacklist.
  • bday blacklist remove <user> - remove a user from the birthday blacklist.
  • bday blacklist clear - clear the birthday blacklist.
  • bday blacklist list - view the birthday blacklist.

Premium Commands:

  • bday message list user - list of all user-specific birthday messages.
  • bday message add <@User> <Message> - add a user-specific message.
  • bday message remove <@User> - remove a user-specific message.
  • bday message color [color] - set the color of the birthday message embed.

Various bug fixes and improvements.

Improved & New Commands

10 Aug 21:13
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Command Improvements:

  • The bday list and bday message list now both have a new emote option to the paging system, this emote (Up-Right Arrow) will allow a user to jump to a specified page.
  • The bday list command now takes in an optional month/date parameter. Using bday list [page/date] will either send the user to the specified page (like before) or, if given date, will send the user to the page the specified month or date is on.

New Commands:

  • bday docs can be used to receive a link to the Birthday Bot documentation
  • bday faq can be used to receive a link to the Birthday Bot frequently asked questions
  • bday donate can be used to receive the Birthday Bot donation link to support development!

Multi-Line Messages & Efficiency Improvements

05 Aug 02:13
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  • The custom birthday messages now accept the use of multiple spaces and multi-line messages.


  • The birthday job will no longer update the member cache for every guild every time the birthday job is run, this prevents the birthday job from taking took long and overall improves it's efficiency and decreases the bot's API calls.

Changed User Placeholder & Help

20 Jul 15:50
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The correct users placeholder in custom birthday messages is now , however, the old placeholder: @Users is still supported but will automatically be replaced with when used.

Updated help system to show the user placeholder.

Voting Commands & Enhancements

15 Jul 18:49
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In order to help birthday bot grow, I have introduced new systems that require players to vote to use a small selection of commands.

This update also comes with numerous QOL changes and bug fixes.

Enhancements & Documentation Updates!

08 Jul 01:46
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This update has numerous of QOL improvements and bug fixes. One of the biggest issues with the previous version was the poor setup system which this update address. Additionally, the documentation and FAQ are now up to date for version 2.0

Fixed Bugs:

  • Setup says missing permission to react to messages even though it has "Add Reactions" for the channel

  • Setup continues to ask for role even after completing the setup.


  • Updated all links both in code and in websites.

  • Documentation has been updated for the 2.0 version.

  • Added support link to the join message.

  • Add a disclaimer about the birthday role.

  • Users can no longer set the birthday for a bot.

  • All setup commands & the birthday set command has been completely recoded. This makes the setup system far less buggy, quicker, and easier to use.

  • Birthday settings now has a guild id field to make support easier.

  • All procedures now utilize the MySQL ROW_NUMBER() function

  • Added legend to bday help