This repo is a new rails installation in a docker container.
The application consists of
- Rails 5.1
- Rspec
- Guard
- Postgres database
- Support for background job processors through a Redis image
You must have a working docker environment with docker-compose support. If you need help getting that set up, go here
After cloning the repo...
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web bin/setup
Once you're all set up, nuke this git history and start fresh:
rm -rf .git
git init
This allows you to add your own remote and go from there. I hope this makes getting started with Rails in docker a little easier.
run the app
docker-compose up web
docker-compose run --rm web rails c
generate a new model
docker-compose run --rm web rails g model model_name attributes:text
docker-compose run --rm web rake db:migrate
run guard
docker-compose run --rm web guard
run specs
docker-compose run --rm web rspec
Nib is a fantastic tool for ruby/rails development in a docker-compose environment
the above commands would be:
nib up web
nib console web
nib run web rails g model model_name attributes:text
nib rake web db:migrate
nib run web guard
nib run web rspec
Additional benefits include
- shell history inside a container (!!)
- irb/pry history inside a console (!!)