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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 6, 2023. It is now read-only.
scott lee davis edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 10 revisions


supported features
  • /remind - opens up an interactive dialog to schedule a reminder
  • /remind help - displays help examples
  • /remind list - displays a list of reminders
  • /remind [who] [what] in [# (seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years)]
    • /remind me Do the dishes in 1 day
    • /remind @jessica about the interview in three hours
  • /remind [who] [what] at [(noon|midnight|one..twelve|00:00am/pm|0000)] (every) [day|date]
    • /remind @lima Lunch time! at noon
    • /remind ~test-team New tests at two
    • /remind me Pickup kids at 4:30pm
    • /remind me to attend the team meeting at 11:00 every Tuesday
    • /remind me to drink water at 3pm every day
  • /remind [who] [what] (on) [(monday-sunday|month&day|m/d/y|d.m.y)] (at) [time]
    • /remind me Go to movies on Friday
    • /remind ~management Send annual salary review report on December 15
    • /remind me Mow the lawn on 7th
    • /remind me Pick up kids on tuesday at 7:30am
    • /remind ~Off-Topic "meet us downtown!" on 7/13 at noon
    • /remind ~design Join the meeting Monday
    • /remind me Smile tomorrow
    • /remind me to update the team meeting agenda on Mondays
    • /remind @sam to book meeting room tomorrow at 4pm
  • /remind [who] [what] every (other) [monday-sunday|month&day|m/d/y|d.m.y] (at) [time]
    • /remind me to schedule annual reviews every January 25
    • /remind ~design Design critique meeting every Thursday at 12:30
    • /remind me Physiotherapy after work every other Wednesday
    • /remind ~team-alpha to update the project status every Monday at 9am
    • /remind me to do things every monday and wednesday at noon
    • /remind me to exercise every other day
    • /remind me Remember the children's birthdays every 1/30 and 9/30 at noon
    • /remind me Drink water Everyday
  • /remind [who] [when] [what]
    • /remind me on June 1st to wish Linda happy birthday
    • /remind @peter tomorrow "Please review the office seating plan"


  • You can’t set recurring reminders for other members.
  • Channel reminders can’t be snoozed.
  • Use quotes around long messages, especially when using words like 'on', 'at, 'in' and 'every'.
    • /remind me "Use quotes on and at in and around every thing" at noon
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