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Ember CLI Framework7

Ember CLI Framework7 brings the great mobile development framework to Ember CLI.

Please note, that this version is kind of a minimal viable product at the moment but we will keep improving it. If you are interested to support us, we will be excited to receive your pull requests.


ember install ember-cli-framework7


Framework7 currently comes bundled with both iOS and Material Design themes. To cut down on payload size, this addon allows you to specify which theme is imported. Simply add the following to your ember-cli-build.js file in your app options:

  var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    'ember-cli-framework7': {
      theme: 'material|ios'

Note: theme defaults to ios if nothing is specified.


After you installed Ember CLI Framework7, you can just start using it within your app. Please refer to the Framework7 documentation to see the markup structure.

In order to be able to use the JavaScript based features of Framework7, a service is registered within the routes, controllers and components as f7. Within the further documentation we will use the EmberScript notation for explanations.

# EmberScript
@f7.alert 'Some alert'
# CoffeeScript
@get('f7').alert 'Some alert'
// JavaScript
this.get('f7').alert('Some alert');

Since the f7 service extends an instance of the Framework7 class, it supports all JavaScript methods available for a Framework7 application. All this methods can be found in the Framework7 documentation.

Setting Framework7 Options

Framework7 has an extensive list of options that can be configured during initialization. By default, this addon disables pushState and cache as they may have an adverse affect on how Ember functions. However, you can easily override these defaults or modify other options by extending the f7 service. Here's an example:

import Ember from 'ember';
import F7Service from 'ember-cli-framework7/services/f7';

export default F7Service.extend({
  init() {
    // disable f7 router
    const options = this.get('options');
    options.router = false;



In order to simplify the work with Framework7 within Ember, we added some component and additional methods on the f7 service.

Page container

= f7-page-container
    / ...
    / ...


Framework7 requires to call sizeNavbars after rendering a navbar in order to ensure the title is centered. Therefore we included a component creating the required markup for navbars and ensuring the title to be centered.

= f7-navbar
  .left href="#" click="toggleSidePanel"

Side Panel

For creating the side panel markup and knowing how to toggle it, please refer to the side panel documentation of Framework7.

In order to support opening and closing the side panel by swiping, you need to initialize the listeners within an initializer.

Framework7Initializer =
  name: 'framework7'
  after: 'framework7-service'
  initialize: (application) -> 'afterRender', ->
      container.lookup('service:framework7').initSwipePanels 'left'

`export default Framework7Initializer`


The preloader shows a loading mask as an overlay on the application. To see how it works, please refer to the preloader documentation of Framework7. In order to ensure to only show the preloader for long running requests, we added an delay option to it, so it only shows up if the request was not finished within the given amount of time.

# ...
  save: ->
    @f7.showPreloader delay: 300 =>
      @transitionToRoute 'index'
    , =>
      @f7.alert 'error'


Pull to refresh is supported by Framework7 but there is a bit work to do to make it run in Ember. In order to understand how pull-to-refresh works in Framework7, please refer to the pull-to-refresh documentation. To make it as easy as possible to integrate pull-to-refresh into your Ember application, we wrapped all the magic into the f7-page-content component.

    = f7-page-content onPullToRefresh="refresh"

The refresh action gets a deferred promise passed as the first parameter which must either be resolved or rejected in order to close the pull-to-refresh indicator.

# ...
  refresh: (deferred) -> this, (->
    ), 1000

Infinite Scroll

Infinite scroll is also supported by Framework7 and available through the f7-page-content component.

    = f7-page-content onInfiniteScroll="loadMore"

The loadMore action gets a deferred promise as the first argument and the component as the second argument, so it's possible to detach the infinite scroll from the page if there is no more need for it.

# ...
hasMoreData: true
  loadMore: (deferred, component) -> this, (->
      if @get('hasMoreData')
    ), 1000


To use Swipeout, you need to include the ApplicationViewMixin into the application view. In order to animate removing the item use the f7-swipeout component.

import Ember from 'ember';
import ApplicationViewMixin from 'ember-cli-framework7/mixins/application-view';

export default Ember.View.extend(ApplicationViewMixin, {
    = each
      = f7-swipeout
          a.item-link.item-content href="#" click="'itemClicked' this"
              .item-title = this
          a href="#"
            | Action 1
          a href="#"
            | Action 2
          a href="#"
            | Action 1
          a.swipeout-delete.swipeout-overswipe" href="#" click="delete this"
            | Delete

Search bar

Use this component.


  • searchList Selector of the search list (default: .list-block-search)
  • searchIn Selector of the list item element to search in. If this is set, Framework7 is filtering the data, if set to undefined, Framework7 will do nothing and you have to take care of filtering the data. (default: undefined)


  • action is called when the search term is changed and receives the new search term as a parameter.
= f7-search-bar action="filter"
  = f7-pull-to-refresh action="refresh"
        = each
            .item-title = this


In order to use the sortable feature, add the required markup to the list item and add the ApplicationViewMixin to your application view. Then enable the sorting by using the f7 service and the methods described in the Framework7 documentation.

import Ember from 'ember';
import ApplicationViewMixin from 'ember-cli-framework7/mixins/application-view';

export default Ember.View.extend(ApplicationViewMixin, {

Running the dummy app

The dummy app is a small example of Framework7 within an Ember CLI application.

  • git clone
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • ember server
  • Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


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