In proceedings of CPS & IoT Security and Privacy Workshop (CPSIoTSec2022) co-located with ACM CCS 2022
When using the code from this repository please cite our work as follows:
author = "Erba, Alessandro and Müller, Anne and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole",
title = {Security Analysis of Vendor Implementations of the OPC UA Protocol for Industrial Control Systems},
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on CPS \& IoT Security and Privacy (CPSIoTSec '22)",
year = "2022",
month = NOV,
address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA",
publisher = "ACM",
doi = "10.1145/3560826.3563380"
- Python OPC UA
- OpenSSL
- Python3
-h help
-a rogue_client
-a rogue_server
-a middleperson