The frontend of a React app that allows users to register accounts and sign-in to input a photo's online image URL to detect faces. The app also records how many times the user has submitted to detect. The backend server is implemented with PostgreSQL.
Installed packages:
- body-parser: to parse and have access to req.body to read JSON and form data (
- express: builds server (
- nodemon: to run scripts and make sure server is running (
- bcrypt-nodejs: hash function to secure passwords stored in database (
- cors: used to bypass Chrome security error when connecting front-end to back-end by sending a CORS request (
- knex: used to connect to database (
- pg: PosgresSQL client for Node.js (
- dotenv-flow: used to set enivornmental variables to protect/make dynamic db info/API key and having multiple .env files (