This project is an example for blog post on It's a sample of establishing connection with polish DHL API.
- Python 3.9.0
- Zeep
- Falcon
- check DHL API version/shipment
- create shipment/pickup
- book courier for shipment/label
- get shipment label
"shipper": {
"name": "Testomir Testalski",
"postalCode": "10003",
"city": "Olsztyn",
"street": "Testowa",
"houseNo": "1a"
"receiver": {
"name": "Odbiorca Odbieralski",
"postalCode": "10001",
"city": "Olsztyn",
"street": "Testowa",
"houseNo": "1a",
"country": "PL"
"packages": [
"type": "PACKAGE",
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"length": 1,
"weight": 1,
"quantity": 1
"type": "PACKAGE",
"width": 2,
"height": 2,
"length": 2,
"weight": 2,
"quantity": 1
"services": {
"product": "AH"
"shipment_date": "2019-04-10",
"content": "test"
"shipment_id": "90006589406",
"pickup_date": "2019-04-11",
"hour_from": "09:00",
"hour_to": "16:00"
"label_type": "LP",
"shipment_id": "90006589406"
To establish connection with DHL API you need access data. If you have it, you must properly set environment variables to run this application. I prefer to use .env file to do this.
In project files you can find .env.default
that contains placeholders for required
environment variables. Save it as .env
and change placeholders to your access data.
- url to DHL API WSDL fileDHL.SAP
- payer client identifier (SAP). Necessary for payer type set to USER or SHIPPERDHL.user
- DHL client usernameDHL.pass
- DHL client password
To run the application follow the steps from Configuration. Then use pipenv to create environment:
pipenv install
After that you can run application from virtualenv:
pipenv shell
gunicorn src.api.api:api