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$ cd hp
$ npm install --no-ignore-scripts
$ cd hp
$ node --run build


.../ line 1: This: command not found

This build relies on esbuild and lightningcss.

You either need to not ignore the pre- or post-scripts when installing this project’s dependencies:

$ cd hp
$ rm -rf node_modules
$ npm install --no-ignore-scripts

Or invoke esbuild’s and lightningcss' post-install scripts explicitly:

$ cd hp
$ node node_modules/esbuild/install.js
$ node node_modules/lightningcss-cli/postinstall.js
$ cd hp
$ node --run format
$ cd hp
$ node --run lint
$ cd hp
$ node --run test

Ensure Playwright has been installed.

Start a development server; in a new shell:

$ cd hp
$ npm run e2e

Start a development server; in a new shell:

$ cd hp
$ npm run e2e:trace

Start a development server; in a new shell:

$ cd hp
$ npm run e2e:ui
$ cd hp
$ node --run cert:ca:create
$ node --run cert:create

Ensure that you have modified your DNS settings to include httpd.internal.

$ cd httpd
$ scripts/
$ cd hp
$ node --run docker:httpd:start:with-build
$ cd hp
$ node --run docker:httpd:start
$ cd hp
$ node --run docker:httpd:stop

We abide by the Contributor Covenant, Version 2.1 and ask that you do as well.

For more information, please see Code of Conduct.

After initializing this repository you need to configure the ignore-revs-file:

$ git config set blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

Add httpd.internal to your /etc/hosts:

/etc/hosts       localhost httpd.internal
::1             localhost httpd.internal

If you want to change this entry you need to also change:

ServerName httpd.internal:80
ServerName httpd.internal:443
readonly host_name='httpd.internal'

  "scripts": {

    "cert:copy": "scripts/ certs httpd.internal",
    "cert:create": "scripts/ certs 30 httpd.internal",
    "cert:delete": "scripts/ certs httpd.internal",
    "cert:renew": "scripts/ certs 30 httpd.internal",
    "cert:verify": "scripts/ certs 30 httpd.internal",


Install fnm or NVM.


This repository uses husky for Git hooks.

More information: Husky - Command not found

if command -v fnm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd)"
#!/usr/bin/env sh

# vim:ft=zsh

# shellcheck shell=sh disable=SC1091

set -eu

[ -e /etc/zshenv ] && . /etc/zshenv
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zshenv" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zshenv"
[ -e /etc/zprofile ] && . /etc/zprofile
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zprofile" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zprofile"
[ -e /etc/zlogin ] && . /etc/zlogin
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zlogin" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zlogin"
export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm"

[ -s "${NVM_DIR}/" ] && . "${NVM_DIR}/"
[ -s "${NVM_DIR}/bash_completion" ] && . "${NVM_DIR}/bash_completion"

if command -v nvm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  autoload -U add-zsh-hook
  load-nvmrc() {
    local nvmrc_path="$(nvm_find_nvmrc)"
    if [ -n "${nvmrc_path}" ]; then
      local nvmrc_node_version=$(nvm version "$(cat "${nvmrc_path}")")
      if [ "${nvmrc_node_version}" = "N/A" ]; then
        nvm install
      elif [ "${nvmrc_node_version}" != "$(nvm version)" ]; then
        nvm use
    elif [ -n "$(PWD=$OLDPWD nvm_find_nvmrc)" ] && [ "$(nvm version)" != "$(nvm version default)" ]; then
      echo 'Reverting to nvm default version'
      nvm use default

  add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc
#!/usr/bin/env sh

# vim:ft=zsh

# shellcheck shell=sh disable=SC1091

set -eu

[ -e /etc/zshenv ] && . /etc/zshenv
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zshenv" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zshenv"
[ -e /etc/zprofile ] && . /etc/zprofile
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zprofile" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zprofile"
[ -e /etc/zlogin ] && . /etc/zlogin
[ -e "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zlogin" ] && . "${ZDOTDIR:=${HOME}}/.zlogin"

export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm"

if [ -f "${NVM_DIR}/" ]; then
  . "${NVM_DIR}/"

  if [ -f '.nvmrc' ]; then
    nvm use
$ cd hp
$ node --run cert:ca:create
$ node --run cert:create
$ cd hp
$ node --run cert:copy
$ sudo apt-get install jq
$ brew install jq
$ sudo apt-get install brotli
$ brew install brotli
$ sudo apt-get install zstd
$ brew install zstd
$ sudo apt-get install shellcheck
$ brew install shellcheck
$ sudo apt-get install shfmt
$ brew install shfmt
$ sudo apt-get install yamllint
$ brew install yamllint

Install hadolint.

$ brew install hadolint
$ sudo apt-get install gpg

Install GPG Suite.

Ensure that you install version 3.1.7 and not 3.2.0!

Version 3.2.0 is an incompatible development snapshot release.

Install easyrsa.


Unfortunately, homebrew provides easy-rsa version 3.2.0 at this point in time (August 2024).

$ curl -L -o ~/Downloads/easy-rsa.tgz
$ tar -xzf ~/Downloads/easy-rsa.tgz -C ~/.local/share
$ mv  ~/.local/share/EasyRSA-3.1.7 ~/.local/share/easyrsa
$ ln -s ~/.local/share/easyrsa/easyrsa ~/.local/bin/easyrsa
$ cp hp
$ npx playwright install --with-deps --no-shell

You can delete all downloaded binaries via:

$ npx playwright uninstall --all