Plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS. Add articles to Pocket with a single click or press of a button. Tested with TT-RSS 1.7.9 and TT-RSS 1.8.
Requirements that exceed TT RSS' requirements: PHP CURL extension has to be enabled
- Copy the oneclickpocket folder to your tt-rss plugins/ folder.
- Go to your tt-rss Preference page
- Under Plugins section enable oneclickpocket plugin
- A new pref pane will show up, named Pocket where you have to enter Pocket credentials (this is not your Pocket username and password!):
- Pocket Consumer Key -- to generate a Consumer Key, head to -- you only need the permission to Add
- Pocket Access Token -- to generate an Access Token, click "Generate Access Token" or open [plugins]/oneclickpocket/auth.php.
- 0.1 Initial Version
- 0.2 Icon changes colour when clicked
- 0.3 Added a hotkey (thanks to Bas1c), since 0.31 change icon colour for hotkey, too.
- 0.32 Check for CURL and throw error if missing.
- 0.33 Updated for PDO
I used Acaranta's ( Yourls-plugin as template.