MTProto implementation in Golang with example tool.
Example tool saves the authkey and other data in ~/.telegram_go. If you delete/lost this file, you will need to auth again.
$ go install
Authorizes phone by code (sent by sms or thru telegram app).
$ telegram auth 79998886655
Enter code: 25704
Signed in: id 104842610 name <Sergei Didyk>
Shows user's contact list.
$ telegram list
id mutual name username access_hash
40352 true Николай *** n**** 94c173dd********
88928 true Сергей *** s**** c72a5847********
109551 true Мария *** m**** ff92275a********
Sends a message to contact. Destination id should be from contact list or user himself.
$ telegram msg 109551 ff92275a******** 'Hack the planet!'
documentation not ready yet
MIT License