Contains XML schemas which are designed for general use as part of the standard, as well as several sample schemas and XML instances which are intended to be illustrative of how SDMX is used.
All schema and samples files should be stored in a single local directory before use.
The following list explains which files are for general use, and which are samples.
- SDMXMessage.xsd (Ties all other general purpose schemas together and provides a common envelope and header)
- SDMXStructure.xsd
- SDMXGenericData.xsd
- SDMXCommon.xsd
- xml.xsd (standard W3C schema used by SDMXCommon.xsd, and included for convenience)
- SDMXQuery.xsd
- SDMXGenericMetadata.xsd
- SDMXRegistry.xsd
- SDMXUtilityData.xsd
- SDMXCompactData.xsd
- SDMXCrossSectionalData.xsd
- SDMXMetadataReport.xsd
These schemas are specific to key families or metadata structure definitions. Each is derived from a sample structure file, and each has an accompanying data sample, as indicated.
- BIS_JOINT_DEBT_Compact.xsd (derived from StructureSample.xml, accompanied by CompactSample.xml)
- BIS_JOINT_DEBT_Utility.xsd (derived from StructureSample.xml, accompanied by UtilitySample.xml)
- BIS_JOINT_DEBT_CrossSectional.xsd (derived from StructureSample.xml, accompanied by CrossSectionalSample.xml)
- IMF_CONTACT_MetadataReport.xsd (derived from ContactMDStructureSample.xml, accompanied by MetadataReportSample.xml)
As mentioned in section above:
- StructureSample.xml (key family example)
- CompactSample.xml
- UtilitySample.xml
- CrossSectionalSample.xml
- ContactMDStructureSample.xml
- MetadataReportSample.xml
Additional sample files:
- GenericSample.xml (agrees with StructureSample.xml)
- GenericMetadataSample.xml (agrees with ContactMDStructureSample.xml)
- GenericMetadataSample2.xml (agrees with ContactMDStructureSample.xml)
- QuerySample.xml
Registry Interface Samples:
With the exception of NotifyRegistryEvent.xml, which has no request-response pattern, all of these samples are in pairs. The request sample corresponds with the response sample.
- NotifyRegistryEvent.xml
- QueryProvisioningRequest.xml
- QueryProvisioningResponse.xml
- SubmitProvisioningRequest.xml
- SubmitProvisioningResponse.xml
- QueryStructureRequest.xml
- QueryStructureResponse.xml
- SubmitStructureRequest.xml
- SubmitStructureResponse.xml
- SubmitRegistrationRequest.xml
- SubmitRegistrationResponse.xml
- QueryRegistrationRequest.xml
- QueryRegistrationResponse.xml
- SubmitSubscriptionRequest.xml
- SubmitSubscriptionResponse.xml