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This product contains the definition(s) of the SDSS Science Archiver Server (SAS) filesystem environment tree(s). It sets up the SDSS environment configuration files for loading either via the Modules Environment Manager or dynamically with a tree.Tree python package. Available environments are a SDSS "working" environment, i.e. sdsswork or any number of environments for public Data Releases, i.e. dr16.cfg. See full documentation at

Developer Install

Local Install

To install tree for development locally:

git clone
cd tree
pip install -e ".[dev,docs]"

Install at Utah

To install at Utah for use with modules,

git clone main
cd main
python bin/ -v

Replace main with the desired branch or tag name as needed. Also, see the instructions on the Wiki

Install as a Dependency

To install as a Python package dedendency for software use, install the latest tag straight from PyPi:

pip install sdss-tree

Build Sphinx Docs

Within the top level repo directory, run the sdsstools commands:

# build the Sphinx documentation

# open the docs locally in a browser

Documentation is automatically built and pushed to Read The Docs.


Tests are created using pytest. Navigate to the tests directory from the top level and run with pytest.

cd tests

Creating Releases

New releases of sdss-tree are created automatically, and pushed to PyPi, when new tags are pushed to Github. See the Create Release Github Action and Releases for the list.

New tag names follow the Python semantic versioning syntax, i.e. X.Y.Z.

Useful links