Mediawiki in a docker-compose pair of containers
Just run
docker-compose up
If this is the first run with a new set of containers (or especialy a new database container) you will need to restore the database
The initdb.sql file contains the initial database created by the mediawiki installer and matches the LocalSetting.php in this repo
To restore this database you will need to have already run
docker-compose up
to start the containers. At this point if you try to browse to localhost:8000 you will get a PHP exception, you now need to restore the database
Now run
docker ps | grep mediawiki-docker_mysql
This will give you the container running the database for this project, the last peice is the container name eg
5272d00c047a mariadb "docker-entrypoint.s…" 14 hours ago Up 4 minutes 3306/tcp mediawiki-docker_mysql-database_1
In this case the container name is "mediawiki-docker_mysql-database_1". You will also need the database details from compose/mysql.env
Now to restore the database run
cat initdb.sql | docker exec -i [container name] /usr/bin/mysql -u [mysql user] --password=[password] [wiki database]
for the example above the command would be
cat initdb.sql | docker exec -i mediawiki-docker_mysql-database_1 /usr/bin/mysql -u wikiuser --password=example my_wiki
If you want to backup the database, follow the steps above to get the container name then run
docker exec [container name] /usr/bin/mysqldump -u [mysql user] --password=[mysqp password] [wiki database] > backup.sql
For the example above the command would be
docker exec mediawiki-demo_mysql-database_1 /usr/bin/mysqldump -u wikiuser --password=example my_wiki > backup.sql