Before redeploy:
1. Excange to root user:
sudo su
2. Remove sails-log.txt:
rm /root/.forever/sails-log.txt
3. Remove sails-error.txt:
rm /home/bitnami/sails/sails-error.txt
4. Remove sails-out.txt:
rm /home/bitnami/sails/sails-out.txt
5. Git pull source code:
git pull
6. Kill running process:
6.1 Show running process:
ps aux | grep node
6.2 Kill the two process:
kill -9 ${PID1}
kill -9 ${PID2}
7. Reexecute node app.js:
forever start -l sails-log.txt -o sails-out.txt -e sails-error.txt app.js
Created with Nodeclipse v0.4 (Eclipse Marketplace, site)
1. "convas" and "qrcode" modules need to install "python 2.7"