================================== Three tier setup on Google Compute Engine using terraform.io
Terraform configuration to set up a VPC-like environment in Google Compute Engine (GCE).With firewalls separating the layers from each other and internal nodes on private subnet accessible only by a bastion box.
Bastion Box
Provides access from the outside world for ssh access via a trusted channel , with key separation.Internal nodes have different ssh key from the bastion box.
Provides internat access from the internal nodes that have no external IP addresss , provided by tagging with "no-ip".
The load balancers are spread across all availability zones in a particular region , in this case uscentral1 a through f with static IP addresses provisioned and attached on creation.
Application layer nodes created after the NAT Gateway is ready and firewall rules are complete.
Database layer nodes are created after provisioning of persistent storage.Data disks are attached to the launched instances and using script mountformat.sh , mounted and formatted using the XFS.
The variables needed to run the script:
account__file__path -- Full path ocation of the project-file.json
client__secrets__path -- Full path to the secrets file client_secret_........googleusercontent.com.json
project_name -- project name from GCE dashboard
region_name -- region in which to launch the stack (uscentral1)
network_name -- Name of the network to launch instances in
internal_net -- Internal network subnet range eg
ip_range -- Internal network subnet range eg
Set the size/type of instances to launch for each particular group of instances.
Three scripts are provided to aid in the setup of the instances before configuration.
- setnat.sh - makes the required changes to the NATGateway instance to allow ip forwarding.
- mountformat.sh - mounts and formats the persistent storage disks of the database nodes.
- setfire.sh - for configuration management (ansible) to be able to use ssh pipeline mode and allow protocol forwarding from the bastion node to the rest of the hosts.
$terraform plan -out leaf
Genaerates the topology to apply to the leaf file interactively asking the for the needed variables to be supplied.These can alternativel be preset into a variables.tfvars file and called with the switch:
$terraform plan -var-file=vars.tfvars -out leaf
and finally to apply the plan to create the topology on GCE:
$terraform apply leaf