Window Buddy is a bundle to add basic window management to TextMate
Sorry but... WORK IN PROGRESS!
Currently it's a bit rough and incomplete but the aim is to provide pseudo split window editing by using auxiliary windows in TextMate.
Window Buddy depends on the TMTools plugin and the rb-appscript gem. If you're using the RubyAMP gem then the chances are you already have both installed already.
You can download TMTools from the TMTools Site
You can get more information about TMTools here
gem install rb-appscript
- Project completion from aux windows
- Automate the Reveal in Project step
- Tweak loads of stuff...
This bundle is really simple but it's based on the work of several others who really deserve the credit.
Firstly, Allan Odgaard and the TextMate team obviously; TextMate rocks. Hans-Jörg Bibiko for the TMTools plugin.
Hamish Sanderson for his rb-appscript gem Matt Neuburg for his book Scripting Mac Applications With Ruby: An AppleScript Alternative
Cheers, Sean.