Nerd Jersey is in super-early alpha mode with merely the bare bones implemented. Proceed at your own risk.
Nerd Jersey is a blogging platform designed specifically for the wants and needs of developers (namely this developer) and is inspired by Marco Arment's SecondCrack (PHP) and Joe Hewitt's Nerve (NodeJS).
The main goal of Nerd Jersey is to be a Sinatra-based, Dropbox-driven, Markdown-formatted blogging platform. Yes, a lot like, but hopefully more powerful.
All the gems are listed in the Gemfile
so after forking and cloning, run bundle
in the console from the application directory.
The first real step is to get Dropbox set up. To do so, create an app here:, but be sure to select "App folder" as the access level.
Once you have it, replace the necessary values in config/config.example.yml
and rename the file to config/config.yml
Dropbox::API::Config.app_key = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
Dropbox::API::Config.app_secret = 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'
Back at the console, run
bundle exec rake dropbox:authorize
When you call this Rake task, it will ask you to provide the consumer key (app key) and secret (app secret). Afterwards it will present you with an authorize url on Dropbox.
Simply go to that url, authorize the app, then press ENTER
in the console.
The rake task will output provide the client token and client secret, which you can now add to config/config.yml
Congratulations! Dropbox is set up.
Now, in your Dropbox, you should see an Apps
folder with a subfolder named after your Dropbox application. You'll need to create two subfolders articles
and pages
as shown below.
Once you've got the folder structure set up, just start creating Markdown files. Nerd Jersey takes care of the rest (naming, slugifying, published date, etc.) with "Smart Defaults".
By default, the title will be taken from the filename. However, if you'd like to title your article something different than the name of your file, just add a title
line to the meta YAML at the top of your file. Meta information is separated from content with a ---
delimiter on a new line (you can use more than three hyphens if you wish).
By default, the slug is created by parameterizing the title. However, if you'd like to define your own slug, just add a slug
line to the meta YAML at the top of your file.
By default, the publish date is taken from the file's modified date on the filesystem. However, if you'd like to define your own publish date, just add a date
line to the meta YAML at the top of your file. Noticing a theme yet? Ruby just happens to be really good at parsing Date/Time strings, so just type whatever makes sense to you. Files with a future date/time will not be published until the date/time specified.
All of the YAML in the metadata section is parsed and available via the document's object. So for the tags below, just call article.tags to get an array of tags. You can add whatever other YAML data you want and it'll be ready for you in the views.
title: My First Blog Post
date: February 29, 2012 at 9:02am
- Winner
- Chicken Dinner
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