Spring Boot Movies App that contains a test endpoint, Swagger 2, MySQL, Docker, Docker Compose, a basic Integration test and some init data. Uses Docker Hub as the Registry for CircleCI.
Tech used in this project
- Spring Boot 2.2
- Java 1.8
- Maven
- Actuator
- Swagger 2
- Docker
- Lombok
- JUnit
- Helm
- CircleCI workflows
- Execute the following commands to build the project, create the jar and launch the application
./mvnw package && java -jar target/treadstone-1.0.jar
- Test the application after this command succeeds
- http://localhost:8089/swagger-ui.html#/movie-controller/getAllMoviesUsingGET{target="_blank"}
- Docker
- Docker Compose
docker build -t treadstone .
docker container run -d -p 8043:8080 treadstone
docker-compose --project-name=treadstone --d
docker-compose bundle --push-images