It's like screen time for your browser history
The default history page in chrome is 💩
BrowserTime is an open source chrome extension that aims to make it better.
What you get
- 🔎 improved searching, filtering, and management of your history
- 📊 a sleak dashboard giving you a weekly breakdown of how you spent your time on the web
- 🎨 7 awesome UI themes
BrowserTime is available for download on the Chrome Web Store
(note: the version available on the store may be behind the latest version availble on Github)
This extension requests the following permissions:
- history (Read and change your browsing history)
- top sites (Read a list of your most frequently visited websites. Will be deprecated in a future release.)
- storage (Access to the API. Will be deprecated in a future release.)
- unlimitedStorage (Unlimited storage for client-side data. Will be deprecated in a future release.)
- chrome://favicon/ (Access website favicons.)
This project is commited to preserving the privacy of its user's data. We do the following to ensure this:
- no accounts
- no tracking
- no data transfer to a server
- no cookies
If you see anything that could be a vulnerability or compromise privacy or security please submit an issue
Contributions to this project are encouraged! Feel free to make pull requests for bug fixes and new features. Before making a pull request for a new feature, please create an issue so we can discuss
Clone the repo: git clone
Install the dependencies: npm run install
Add .env file in root directory with these values: NODE_ENV=development PORT=9090
Start the development server: npm run start:dev
this should open a new tab at localhost:9090/history.html
Run the build script: npm run build
Go to chrome://extensions/ if using Chrome browser or brave://extensions if using Brave browser
Toggle Developer mode
Click the 'Load Unpacked' button
Select the build folder at BrowserTime/src/build
Visit chrome://history if using Chrome browser or brave://history if using Brave Browser
Chrome Extension documentation -
Material-ui component library -
Charting Libraries
- @devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui
- @devexpress/dx-react-chart