An XML schema for implementing the Comic Book Ontology metadata vocabulary.
- publisherName
- imprintName
- country
- seriesTitle
- seriesYear
- volumeNumber
- issueNumber
- language
- format
- edition
- printing
- variance
- condition
- grade
- certNumber
Petiya, S. (2014). Building a Semantic Web of comics: Publishing Linked Data in HTML/RDFa using a comic book ontology and metadata application profiles. (Electronic Thesis).
Petiya, S. (2014). [Best practice poster: Converting personal comic book collection records to Linked Data] ( In W. Moen & A. Rushing (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2014: Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory (pp. 222-224). Austin, TX: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.