An Elm library that provides the ability to orbit an object in space around a target. This library is a port of other orbit control implementations:
This project requires the use of the elm-community/linear-algebra package for Vectors and Matrices.
See the generated documentation in the elm package repository
import OrbitControls
import Math.Vector3 exposing (Vec3)
type alias Model = {
-- You must keep track of the state in your model
state: OrbitControls.State,
-- We want to orbit the camera around a target
cameraPosition: Vec3
-- Include a Msg that can receive Orbit events
type Msg =
OnOrbit OrbitControls.OrbitEvent
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { state = OrbitControls.defaultState }, Cmd.none)
-- Add listeners to the DOM element you are embedding your content in
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div (OrbitControls.listeners model.state OnOrbit)
[ WebGL.toHtml ... ]
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OnOrbit event ->
( updatedCamera, updatedState ) =
( model.cameraPosition, model.state )
-- Do something with the new camera position
-- Keep track of the updated state
( { model | state = updatedState }, Cmd.none )