The Web is huge there is so many thinks to learn and try. How to take on such a colossal task? The same way you eat an elephant One bite at a time.
The Goal of this repository is to try build small functionality of web technology in pure HTML5, CSS3 and the latest JavaScript.
This idea have been inspire by Wesbos JavaScript 30 Challenge.
Bite Chrome Dev Tool
Bite svg
Bite All transformation that can be apply to images : blur, .....
Bite CSS Object Model
Bite CSS Animations
Bite Web Animation API
Bite EsLint
Bite Webpack
Bite audio tag
Bite application cache
Bite geolocalisation
Bite Device Orientation Events
Bite cookies
Bite local storage
Bite notifications
Bite HIstory API
Bite create custom RSS feed
Bite webGL
Bite Socket
Bite create a heatmap of the user behavior
Bite pointer lock
Bite web database
Bite Accelerated Mobile Project (AMP)
Bite Services workers
Bite Web Sharing API
Bite WebVR API
[Mozilla Developer Network] (
[Google Web Fondamental] (
[Quackit HTML5 tags] (
[Tutorial Republic] (
[MDN HTML elements reference] (
[html5 cmarix cheat sheet] (
[MDN Web APIs reference] (
[MDN WebAPI] (
[MDN Web APIs] (
[Chrome Web APIs] (