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This is a feature flags library for Angular. You could use it as a custom *ngIf to show or hide elements based in a feature flags configuration.


Number Angular
1.x 8
14.x 14


Create a feature.service.provider.ts with a factory provider.

// ngx-feature-flags.service.provider.ts
import { FeaturesConfigurationService } from "./features-configuration.service";
import { NgxFeatureFlagsService } from "ngx-feature-flags";

const featureFlagsServiceFactory = (provider: FeaturesConfigurationService) => {
  return new NgxFeatureFlagsService(provider.getFeatureFlags);

export let FeatureFlagServiceProvider = {
  provide: NgxFeatureFlagsService,
  useFactory: featureFlagsServiceFactory,
  deps: [FeaturesConfigurationService],

// features-configuration.service.ts
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";

  providedIn: "root",
export class FeaturesConfigurationService {
  constructor() {}

  public getFeatureFlags = async (): Promise<Map<string, boolean>> => {
    const flags = new Map<string, boolean>();
    flags.set("featureA", true);
    flags.set("featureB", false);
    return flags;

Add the service provider to providers array in app.module

import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";

import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { FeatureFlagServiceProvider } from "./ngx-feature-flags.service.provider";
import { NgxFeatureFlagsModule } from "ngx-feature-flags";

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, NgxFeatureFlagsModule],
  providers: [FeatureFlagServiceProvider],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

Finally, init the service

// App component
constructor(private flagService: NgxFeatureFlagsService) {

And the directives in the HTML

<li *ngxShowIfFeature="'featureB'">
  <p>Feature B</p>
<li *ngxShowIfNotFeature="'featureC'">
  <p>Feature C</p>

There is also an Route guard

    path: 'path-to-feature-a',
    component: FeatureAComponent,
    canActivate: [ FeatureFlagsGuard ],
    data: { featureFlag: 'featureA' }

Finally, you could also check manually for features using the NgxFeatureFlagsService

constructor(private featureService: NgxFeatureFlagsService) {
    const aEnabled = this.featureService.featureOn('featureA');


If you need to add unit test to your project check this project: ngx-feature-flags-testing